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每一 的英文翻译、例句


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Do one's bit 尽自己的一份力量 We can finish this job on time if everyone does his bit.

bowl 每一个人都尽自己的本分,我们就能按时完成这项工作。

On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there -- on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam....


The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager , every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there - on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.


For each; in each 每;每一 My car can go 140 kilometres per hour.


Toothsome 曾见到这么一段话:And if you ever get the chance to try some of those Buffalo Wing Flavor ed Potato Chips, you shouldn't pass up the opportunity.


Toothsome 曾见到这么一段话:And if you ever get the chance to try some of those Buffalo Wing Flavored Potato Chips, you shouldn't pass up the opportunity.


Dusk Looking into the sunset I can't help but notice that despite her beauty, a sense of struggle and hopeless surround the sky . Deep inside you realize that this day is gone, and everything that It had brought is lost forever. Every thought,every action,every dream,every hope, every sight,every sound is gone. There is no chance of every being returned the same, exactly the same. For every moment has a limit to what it can capture, Every memory has a limit to what it had retrieve. And the colours in the sky try to entertain us. one last act with painted smiles, for they too know that nothing can be done to save the day. So futile their attempt to comfort our fear of the night. our horror as we try to find our way, like children who wander into a forest and never return. I am ingratiated by the sunset because of her sensitivity as she tries to push the darkness back for just a moment more. But like so many times before....to no avail!

黄昏 凝望夕阳,我无法抑止地看到,无论她是如何的美丽动人,挣扎和绝望依然萦绕天幕,内心深处,你明白今日已逝,它所带来的一切也永远消失了,每一脉思想,每一次行动,每一个梦想,每一线希望每一幅景象,每一缕声音,都消逝而去,一切都不可能还复如初,和原来一模一样,只因每一个时刻所能捕捉的东西是有限的,甚至每一段记忆所能缅怀的一切也是有限的而天空中的绮丽色彩努力让我们快乐起来,最后上演的是五彩缤纷的微笑,因为它们也知晓,做什么都无法留住时日,它们想安慰我们对夜的恐惧,而又如此徒劳无益,虽然恐惧,我们依然寻找出路,宛若在林中的孩心,彷徨不知归路,我满心欢喜,只因夕阳的敏感,她竭力将黑暗推回,仅仅为了再多驻留一刻,可却犹如以往,一切都无济于事。。。。

For example, if a register isconnected to the data bus in an 8-bit machine. eachline of the bus connects to register.Because the databus will be an 8一bit bus, there are 8-bit Flip-flopsthat form the register, When there is information onthe data bus,and a particular register is selected toreceive data, all the Flip-flops will store data simultancously. This kind of register is refer is referred to as aparallel register.


"Gorgeous armor," mused pal 一v eontologist Hans L s arsson, examining 北美枫不g a stack of foot-long bony scutes that looked like roof z ing tiles.


From 4 to 11, the National Federation of Natural Sciences, the National Association of Popular Science, Social Science Research Council, the China Women's Federation, All-China Youth Federation, and so were people's organizations issued a declaration of the CPC Central Committee and the support of all democratic parties of the joint declaration, calling on the masses to participate actively in the Korean War, security House campaign to defend the country. November 27, the CPPCC National Committee and the democratic parties held a joint meeting on December 1 issued "on all democratic parties, mass organizations of the Chinese People's Volunteers to thank the Korean People's Army and Movement Agreement of the notice." December 22, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Central People's Government, the People's Revolutionary Military Commission of the General Political Department jointly issued "on New Year Yongzhengaimin Yongjunyouzhu movement instructions." February 16, 1951, the CPPCC National Committee, issued a message calling the war movement "to further popularize and into the rural areas of each, every organ, every school, every factory, every shop, every street and every nation Living in the region."


更多网络解释与每一相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Every bond you break Every step you take:妳掙脫的每一個束縛 妳踏出的每一步

Every breath you take Every move you make 妳的每一次呼吸 妳的一舉一動 | Every bond you break Every step you take 妳掙脫的每一個束縛 妳踏出的每一步 | I'll be watching you 我都在注視著妳

Every bond you break Every step you take:你每一次挣扎,你每一个步伐

Every breath you take and every move you make --你每一次呼吸,你每一个举动 | Every bond you break, every step you take --你每一次挣扎,你每一个步伐 | I''ll be watching you --我都在注视着

Every day:每一天

管理,即上级要管理到下级中的每一个人(every one)每一天(every day)的每一件事(every thing),并要对它定性评估. 通过这种层层监控、逐级管理的方式,可以有效地避免营销人员为了评先,为了拿到奖金,以及为了偷懒或消极怠工,

Every Footstep:每一步法

Every Wheeling,每一单轮 | Every Footstep,每一步法 | Every Sitting,每一蹲坐

They pass along a legacy:每一墙角,每一转弯

Enough to look. 顾盼、徘徊 | They pass along a legacy, 每一墙角,每一转弯 | Our prints of anonymity 记录着我们无声的印痕

Every day I forbear to fall the tears don't wanna bedown:每一天每一天,我强耐着欲坠的泪水,不想被泪水变得软弱

to this so stoodworld 以此抵抗这... | Every day I forbear to fall the tears don't wanna bedown 每一每一天,我强耐着欲坠的泪水,不想被泪水变得软弱 | Every night hurt is so deep in myheart 每一每一夜,受...

life. Ewery person we meet, every event we:每一个人、每一件事

每天都是生命的一张白纸 Every single day is like a blank page of our | 每一个人、每一件事 life. Ewery person we meet, every event we | 都是一篇生动的文章 participate in is a lively essay.

Every step along the way:在每一天,走在街上的每一步

Always close, everyday 始终都是如此接近 | Every step along the way 在每一天,走在街上的每一步 | Even though for now we've gotta say goodbye 就算现在不得不彼此道别

Always close, everyday, every step along the way:(每一天,每一步,我们都是如此靠近)

Never Gone, never far in my heart is where you are(在我心... | Always close, everyday, every step along the way (每一天,每一步,我们都是如此靠近) | Even though for now we've got to say goodbye (尽管现在我...

Always close, everyday, every step along the way:每一天,每一步迈在街上都如此靠近

Never Gone, never far in my heart is where you are 永不离开,永不... | Always close, everyday, every step along the way 每一天,每一步迈在街上都如此靠近 | Even though for now we've got to say goodbye 即使...