英语人>词典>汉英 : 殷红 的英文翻译,例句
殷红 的英文翻译、例句


blackish red · dark red
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They seemed ingrained with blood from the thousands of acts of butchery that are part of rural life in a land of enthusiastic meat-eaters.


Drinking-cups of gold and ivory, chiseled by Benvenuto Cellini; cabinets of buhl and porcelain, bearing the cipher of Austrain Marie Antoinette, amid devices of rose-buds and true-lovers' knots, birds and butterflies, cupidons and shepherdesses, goddesses, courtiers, cottagers and milkmaids; statuettes of Parian marble and biscuit china; gilded baskets of hot-house flowers; fantastical caskets of Indian filigree work; fragile tea-cups of turquoise china, adorned by medallion miniatures of Louis the Great and Louis the Well-beloved, Louise de la Vallière, and Jeannne Marie du Barry; cabinet pictures and gilded mirrors, shimmering satin and diaphanous lace; all that gold can buy or art devise had been gathered together for the beautification of this quiet chamber in which my lady sat listening to the moaning of the shrill March wind and the flapping of the ivy leaves against the casements, and looking into the red chasms in the burning coals.


MY summer dream was turned into a cork stopper, and then floating in the white tub, the basin filled with red wine, there are many refreshing ice drift in my side .


Dropt in her Lap from some once lovely Head.


No,this my hand will rat her, The multitudinous seas incarnadine,Making the green one red.


No,this my hand will rather The multitudinous seas incarnadine,Making the green one red.


And he could count himself lucky to die at 82 of heart trouble in his bed, not, like the Quint of the book, trailed behind a shark underwater, arms out and mouth open "in mute protest"; or, like the Quint of the film, chomped in half at the trouser-line, spouting scarlet blood like a whale.


She did not answer my lady's question immediately, but sat for some time looking vacantly into the red abyss in the hollow fire.


And he could count himself lucky to die at 82 of heart trouble in his bed, not, like the Quint of the book, trailed behind a shark underwater, arms out and mouth open "in mute protest"; or, like the Quint of the film, chomped in half at the trouser-line, spouting scarlet blood like a whale.


He sat down by the broad hearth upon which the red embers were fading, and wondered at the change in that old house which, until the day of his friend's disappearance, had been so pleasant a home for all who sheltered beneath its hospitable roof.


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ash tree:白蜡树

步行上班时,看到路边的橡树,枫树,椴树(linden tree),白蜡树(ash tree)树叶茂密,正是一年中最好的生长季节. 有一家的樱花树上已经结满了殷红的果实,再过一个月就是他们家苹果树结实的时节了. 不过这家的果树多数是观赏性的,从来不摘.

Rose once redly glowing:曾殷红明媚的玫瑰

它的美丽仍持续着 And her beauty's going | 啊那朵殷红的玫瑰 Woe,the rose,the rose once red | 曾殷红明媚的玫瑰 Rose once redly glowing

But the stripling plucked the red:但青年人还是去摘

灿烂而明媚的玫瑰 Rose so grandly glowing | 但青年人还是去摘 But the stripling plucked the red | 那殷红闪耀的玫瑰 Rose in glory growing

Crimean War, the:克里米亚战争

Creator of the heavens, the众天国/诸天堂之创造者 | Crimean War, the 克里米亚战争 | Crimson, the 殷红