英语人>词典>汉英 : 殖民于 的英文翻译,例句
殖民于 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
colonize  ·  plant  ·  planted  ·  populate  ·  colonized  ·  colonizes  ·  colonizing  ·  plants  ·  populates  ·  populating

更多网络例句与殖民于相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The anachronistic representation of something as existing before its proper or historical time,as in the precolonial United States.


The phenomenal success of Western commerce since the day of colonial expansion owes a great deal to this concept.


Primitive accumulation period of British colonial expansion during this period of colonial expansion, began in the 16th century until the late 18th century in the rise of the industrial revolution.


Macau returned to Chinese authority in 1999 after 400 years of Portuguese colonial rule.

澳门在葡萄牙殖民统治 400 多年之后,于 1999 年回归中国大陆。

13 No. I die in a depressurization accident


Many of the early settlers in Australia received grant s of land from the Government.


Ireland was the one of the most objects and an " oldest colony " of early modern British colonial expansion. For British, Ireland was a internal conoy, and a big " laboratory " and a main labor exporter for overseas colony. The conquest and colony in Ireland exercised a great influence on British social development and the rising of British Empire.


Brazil's second most populous region is the Northeast region, from Maranhao in the north down to Bahia (the most African of Brazilian states). The architecture of cities like Recife and Salvador (Portuguese colonial capital, 1549-1763) shows an earlier age of plantation wealth, but today this is a poor region subject to devastating droughts.


In his exposition on the colonial and post-colonial experience of the once-subjugated people, Homi Bhabha employs the term "unhomeliness" to refer to the fact that, for the subjugated, the "home" does not serve as a fortress to guard against outside invasion.

在他 阐述了殖民及后殖民时期的经验的once-subjugated人,使用术语&的一unhomeliness&指的是事实,因为、&家&屈从于不作为要塞防范外敌入侵。

Many of the early settlers in Australia received grants of land from the Government.


更多网络解释与殖民于相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

the Declaration of Independence:(美国)独立宣言

简介 美国>(The Declaration of Independence) 独立宣言是一份于由托玛斯杰斐逊(1743-1826)起草,并由其它13个殖民地代表签署的最初声明北美十三个殖民地摆脱英国的殖民统治的


strategy 策略 | energetically 精力充沛地 | colonize 殖民于,


当时.他携夫人福恩(Fawn)一道走南闯北游遍了越南的奇山秀水,而福恩是一名土生土长的西贡人. 从此.他们一而再,再而三地多次返回越南旅行,心醉神迷于河内烤肉米粉(bun cha)、啤酒店,以及精致典雅的殖民时期建筑.


布雷默说:"我们支配着这个地方,我们将继续把我们意志强加于(impose)这个国家. "13这样的言论,显然帝国味十足. 但拉姆斯菲尔德却说:"我们不是殖民大国,我们从来不是殖民大国. 那不是一个民主国家的行为. "那么,美国到底是不是帝国呢?

Mogul Empire:莫卧儿帝国

至十六世纪,亚格伯大帝出,建设莫卧儿帝国(Mogul empire). 于是拉吉普特诸王国及全印度,殆全归其管领. 但此大帝又不能久持其势力. 至十五世纪以降,欧洲人遂殖民于此,葡萄牙人、荷兰人、法人、英人等陆续而来,持其本国之力,次第发展.


其实早于一九六八年,阿西莫夫在>(Segregationist)这个短篇故事中,便已指出"人机结合"这个发展的趋势. 在这方面的长篇小说,科幻界公认的经典之作是波尔于一九七六年所写的>(Man Plus). 故事叙述人类为了殖民火星,




对安哥拉能源工业最严重的威胁来自于卡宾达省(Cabinda)的种族冲突. 当安哥拉于1974年赢得独立时,葡萄牙殖民当局指定拥有油田的卡宾达省为独立省. 该省石油产量占安哥拉总产量的60%,高于除尼日利亚外的其他撒哈拉以南的非洲国家.

postcolonial theory:后殖民理论

)这种思路显然很不同于前文所述的后殖民理论,所以坦桑尼亚裔学者吉尔伯特(Bart Moore-Gilbert)宁愿把这两个方面分别称作为"后殖民理论"(postcolonial theory)和"后殖民批评"(postcolonial criticism):前者盛行于英美大学中,

postcolonial criticism:后殖民批评

)这种思路显然很不同于前文所述的后殖民理论,所以坦桑尼亚裔学者吉尔伯特(Bart Moore-Gilbert)宁愿把这两个方面分别称作为"后殖民理论"(postcolonial theory)和"后殖民批评"(postcolonial criticism):前者盛行于英美大学中,