英语人>词典>汉英 : 殖民主义 的英文翻译,例句
殖民主义 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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However, it has arose in the colonial expansion age, so it took on strong colouring of the colonial expansion. We cant merely regard it as general religious activities. It is a kind of spiritual colonial expansion.


Neo-colonialism is a performance of colonialism in the new historical period.


D 意思的变通 In the colonialist country, oppression and exploitation are the order of the day.


Chinese recent period was divided into two structures between national capitalist economy and colonist economy, because of impact by the colonist tidy of commerce.


The vaudou practice of doubling suggests the techniques of simulation, mimesis and mimicry as a response to oppression, pain and power, explored in the context of French colonialism in Algeria by Frantz Fanon and in the context of English colonialism by Homi Bhabha.

实践中的 vaudou一倍表明仿真技术,模仿和模仿作为回应压迫,疼痛和力量,探索在法国殖民主义在阿尔及利亚的弗朗兹法农和在英国殖民主义的霍米巴巴。

Post-colonial translation theory refers to a string of concepts, inferences and tropes on translation constructed in a post-colonial context. Genealogically, it may date back to the work of the veteran critics Edward Said, Homi Bhabha, and Gayatri Spivak.


Or are critics right that these are "land grabs","neocolonialist" rip-offs, different from 19th-century colonialism only because they involve different land-grabbers and enrich different local elites?


Transnational feminist practice is a continued critical intervention of feminist scholars and activists in response primarily to the ever-penetrating processes of globalization: the expanding transnational flow of capital, technology, and people, and the long-existing colonialist/neocolonialist or imperialist mode of knowledge production and circulation.

跨国女性主义实践(Transnational feminism practice)是女性主义学者与积极分子对不断持续扩展的全球化进程的批判性干预。全球化进程主要是指日渐增长的跨国资本、技术、人口的流通,与由来已久的殖民主义/新殖民主义(colonialist/neocolonialist)或帝国主义模式的知识生产及传播。

"" Post-theoretical age "of literary and cultural studies" research ideas from cultural theory to examine the dimensions of globalization in the "post-theoretical age" within the various cultural influence and role, the author believes that post-colonialism through the once - After the decline of the re-emergence: Said, Spivak and Bhabha The three representatives have issued a new book, making the academic study of post-colonialism and cultural identity, ethnicity, diaspora, and the phenomenon of globalization integrated, stuffed in some third world countries has played a nationalist sentiment.


The two processes interact and reinforce each other in three respects: firstly, in Gordimer's interrogation of colonialist assumptions through representing the morbid symptoms of the apartheid society; secondly, in her subversion of the colonialist mis-representation of the "Other"image, dismantling the Othering strategy of colonialism; thirdly, in the respect she gives to the self-representation of marginal groups and consciousness transformation in promoting new modes of culture.


更多网络解释与殖民主义相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Askania | 液压自动控制装置 | askari | (殖民主义统治下非洲土著)民兵(或警察) | asked price | 要价


"科学主义"所做所为表现出一种十分复杂的结构,充满着欧洲历史中侵华"殖民主义"(colonialism)诋毁中国文化的意识和其无法掩饰的民族自卑感. 陈独秀就是一个典型的例子,为了推行"西学",而自卑地把中华这个民族说成是一群不知"科学",


colonial territories;殖民地; 殖民领地;Committee I; | colonialism;殖民主义;殖民政策;; | colonialism in all its forms and manifestations;一切形式的殖民主义;;

colonialism:殖民主义 (名)

colonial 殖民的, 殖民地的 (形) | colonialism 殖民主义 (名) | colonialist 殖民主义者 (名)

settling colonialism:移民落户殖民主义

settling chamber;沈降室;; | settling colonialism;移民落户殖民主义;; | settling tank;沈降槽;;

economic colonialism:经济殖民主义,经济殖民主义

economic cohesion 经济内聚力,经济内聚力 | economic colonialism 经济殖民主义,经济殖民主义 | economic combination 经济联合,经济联合

colonialism and neo-colonialism:新老殖民主义

loans with no or low interest 无息和低息贷款 | colonialism and neo-colonialism 新老殖民主义 | delayed repayment of capital and interest 延期还本付息

colonialism and neo-colonialism:新老殖民主义bHe中国学习动力网

loans with no or low interest 无息和低息贷款 bHe中国学习动力网 | colonialism and neo-colonialism 新老殖民主义bHe中国学习动力网 | delayed repayment of capital and interest 延期还本付息bHe中国学习动力...

neocolonialism,new colonialism:新殖民主义

新马尔萨斯主义 Neo-Malthusianism | 新殖民主义 neocolonialism,new colonialism | 新古典主义 neo-classicism


colonialism | 殖民主义 | colonialist | 殖民主义者奉行殖民主义的国家 | colonialistic | 殖民主义者奉行殖民主义的国家