英语人>词典>汉英 : 死于非命 的英文翻译,例句
死于非命 的英文翻译、例句


buy a packet · a premature death · die a violent death · die in one's boots
更多网络例句与死于非命相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Semele and Ino, his daughters, and Actaeon and Pentheus, his grandchildren, all perished unhappily.


Most violence is confined to three relatively small regions above all, the benighted border city of Ciudad Juarez, where more than 2,500 people were murdered last year.


Ebola virus outbreak is the second time in 1995, 245 people died a violent death.


George Grosz never got to the front—he was invalided out early on —but he saw enough of the destruction to produce vivid, spidery battlescapes strew n with corpse s.

George Grosz 从没有上过前线,因为他在战争早期残废就退出了部队,但是他目睹了战争带来的破坏使得很多人死于非命

To have an advantage over any other people in education


Romeo, there dead, was husband to that Juliet; And she, there dead, that Romeo's faithful wife: I married them; And their stol'n marriage-day was Tybalt's dooms-day, whose untimely death Banish'd the new-made bridegroom from the city, for whom, and not for Tybalt, Juliet pined.


Semele and Ino, his daughters, and Actaeon and Pentheus, his grandchildren, all perished unhappily, and Cadmus and Harmonia quitted Thebes, now grown odious to them, and emigrated to the country of the Enchelians, who received them with honor and made Cadmus their king.


The real nightmares came true and all the people of the starship died in terrific ways...


Therefore, the novel intendedly arranged the tragic love between Wang Q-yao and Lao Kela and their unnatural death.


She seems to be relishing this moment, standing next to someone who appears to have died a violent death.


更多网络解释与死于非命相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在铁拳王死后,他留下了两个儿子,贪婪、残酷、渴望权力的阿奇博尔德(archibald)和善良、平和、胸怀坦荡的罗兰(Roland). 按照规矩,下一任国王应该由皇家尊长来选定. 不幸的是,第一位皇家尊长死于翻船事故,他的接替者也从城楼的窗户中跳出去死于非命,

Disintegrated in an instant:将会立即消失

New York, Los Angeles, Moscow, Hong Kong|纽约,洛杉矶,莫斯科,香港 | - Disintegrated in an instant|将会立即消失 | Fifteen million people killed...|150万人将死于非命


在这次大屠杀(Pogrom)中,有上万名的犹太人被打致残,数千人死于非命. 巴别尔在其后期的名篇>及续篇中,曾以第一人称写了一个在苦修中、在小提琴课中泡大的厌学的孩子,他因恶补终日而四体不勤,也不知大自然为何物,

come to this untimely end:过早就了此一生,死于非命. untimely这儿指年纪轻轻就被判死刑的结局

15.give sb. a sound flogging 把某人痛打一顿 | 16.come to this untimely end 过早就了此一生,死于非命. untimely这儿指年纪轻轻就被判死刑的结局. | 17. Nip evil in the bud. 将罪恶扼杀在萌芽状态. 防患于未然...

Twilight Zone: The Movie:迷离境界

在拍摄影片>(The Crow)时一次灾难性的意外,使传奇功夫巨星李小龙(Bruce Lee)之子李国豪(Brandon Lee)死于非命,另一件令人记忆犹新的惨剧发生在影片>(Twilight Zone the Movie)上,拍摄中飞行高度过低的直升机导致驾驶不稳,

Prowling round the Ryan Road:一辆汽车潜伏在Ryan路边

When late at night a car came 在这天深夜 | Prowling round the Ryan Road 一辆汽车潜伏在Ryan路边 | A Catholic would be killed tonight 当晚 有一名天主教徒也死于非命

to go west:归西天,归西

To breathe one's last咽气,断气 | To go west归西天,归西 | To come to a violent death横死,凶死,强死,死于非命

He suicided himself. (suicided himself:的意思是"自杀

The driver got killed in a car accident. (got killed 的意思是"死于非命... | He suicided himself. (suicided himself的意思是"自杀") | Everyone will go west one day. (go west 的意思是"上西天,归西,死"的意思...