英语人>词典>汉英 : 歪曲事实 的英文翻译,例句
歪曲事实 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

distortion of fact
更多网络例句与歪曲事实相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

First, he intended Balfour to represent one of his own ancestors, the well-known family of the Balfours, so it would be a misrepresentation to make David a poor boy.

首先,他打算鲍尔弗代表之一,他自己的祖先,众所周知的家庭Balfours ,因此这将是一个歪曲事实,使一个贫穷的男孩大卫。

Resemble actually " nobody sex " this kind of one's words belongs to category of public opinion on public affairs, it is the public proper to public life comment, no matter be right,be wrong, still can argue, this and corrupt character bawdry name-calling, subreption is two things completely.


How dare he __3__ the facts so brazenly!


The other map where Corea has partial of Manchuria is the distorted version that the Japanese made.


On August 26, 2008, strange tiger company plays the way that gives the window to release an information through client end, criticise ZhongGuanCun is online subreption, fictional crammer atttacks 360 safe bodyguard, to this, zhongGuanCun is online website make the following response and specification!


In the forum of Hangzhou net, the reporter is clicked after registering, show following reminding information: Must not use this station to endanger national security, concoctive or subreption, demagoguery is waited a moment; Responsible to oneself opinion on public affairs and behavior.


Beside, the quality of media is in doubt, as users experience frequent disconnection and distortion.


Our goal is to develop products that never colour or distort reality.


You believe that you are being quite fair-minded, but your subjectivity is warping reality out of shape.


What the reporters offer as pure facts are actually descriptions with distortive interpretation.


更多网络解释与歪曲事实相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

contort falsify misrepresent twist:弄歪(嘴脸等), 扭曲, 歪曲(真理、事实等), 误报

449. Distinction n. 区别, 差别, 级别, 特性, 声望, 显赫 | 450. Distort t. 弄歪(嘴脸等), 扭曲, 歪曲(真理、事实等), 误报 contort falsify misrepresent twist | 451. Distract . 转移 confuse disturb diert

What Reed says is not distinguished by excessive fear of distorting the truth:雷德是不怕区别歪曲的事实的

in place of an argument and as a result, he doesn'... | What Reed says is not distinguished by excessive fear of distorting the truth.|雷德是不怕区别歪曲的事实的 | He goes on day and night and has the ...



She garbled all the historical facts:她歪曲了所有历史事实

septic tank 化粪池 | She garbled all the historical facts. 她歪曲了所有历史事实 | She is parlous handsome. 她潇洒极了.




subregion 亚区 | subreption 歪曲事实 | subrogation 代位


subrent /转租人所付租金/ | subreption /隐匿事实/歪曲事实/作虚伪的申辩/ | subresonance /亚共振/二次共振/

Medical fact changes all the time:医学事实一直在变化

You actually wanna change medical fact to get this thing...|你想歪曲医学事实来达到目... | Medical fact changes all the time.|医学事实一直在变化 | You're risking your patient's life.|你用患者的生命来冒险


face-to-face sales 面对面销售 | facticide 掩盖或歪曲事实 | Fail to keep faith. 言而无信.

do violence to:损害; 污辱, 侵[伤]害; 违犯; 歪曲事实

an act of violence暴力行为 | do violence to损害; 污辱, 侵[伤]害; 违犯; 歪曲事实 | offer violence to袭击