英语人>词典>汉英 : 步道 的英文翻译,例句
步道 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与步道相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Moab, there is a great variety of mountain biking trails ...


Descended from a long line of New England ministers, Emerson, finding himself fettered by even the most liberal ministry of his day, gently yet audaciously stepped down from the pulpit and, with little or no modification in his interests or utterances, become the greatest lay preacher of his time. From


Trail along the rocky platform above, climb up, I saw above a bleak, a few scattered Melia azedarach and papaya planted above the ground covered with weeds, has been the collapse of the right corner of the platform.


The footpath of the happiness is too short all the time Could we bilk to stay ?


I mean, it was just right on the beach, off the boardwalk.


So we had our adventure into the famously beautiful and breath-taking Beihai Tunnel.


Catch sight of an orangutan, a proboscis monkey or a pitcher plant on one of its 16 hiking trails. Whether it is wildlife or vegetation you seek, Bako has it.


Each patio has its own colour: blue, yellow, red gardens… From the reception a complex of extremely simple pedestrian galleries, built of lamellate wood and lacquered fitted steel plates provide sheltered access to all parts of the site.


One longitudinal section terminating forward of manway box, transverse section at rear end frame, short transverse section adjacent to rear of manway box.


Baoshan and eco-trail will be the main towns, scenic spots, historical and cultural outlook of the district by way of greening linking a total length of 100 kilometers, the public can walk the trail or riding a bicycle.


更多网络解释与步道相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Forest Alameda:森呼吸步道

?水槽劇場Water Tank Theater | ?森呼吸步道Forest Alameda | ?蓮花池步道Lotus Pound

Under The Boardwalk:在這木板步道下

14.Downtown 鬧區 | 15.Under The Boardwalk 在這木板步道下 | 16.Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head 雨點不斷落在我頭上


这条步道以之字形向上,经过常绿密生灌木丛(chaparral)到一座森林边缘和一块岩石露出地. 这条艰难的路线将回馈给您仰望及俯视国王峡谷华丽的风景. 步道向上攀升1200英尺,走完全程大约要花3到4小时.

Fitzroy Island:費茲洛伊島

位于凯恩斯东面的费兹洛伊岛(Fitzroy Island)是一座土石构成的大陆岛屿. 近海覆满了珊瑚礁,非常适合近海潜水. 岛上有数条步道,游客可欣赏到岛上的热带雨林景致,其中一条步道更可通往岛上的灯塔. 除此之外,岛上更设有潜水学校.


此处完全找不到登山缆车(Funicular)站的踪迹,只有稀少的人烟,一旁还长著巨大仙人掌的步道. 抱著既来之则安之的心态,我们继续选择沿著步道往上走.

jogging track:慢跑步道

12. POOLS 露天泳池 | 14. JOGGING TRACK 慢跑步道 | 15. FREEDOM OF THE SEAS WHIRLPOOL 海洋自由号按摩泳池

riverfront promenade:河边漫步道

10、泉水跌宕 water cascade | 12、河边漫步道 riverfront promenade | 13、景观雕塑 landscape sculpture

water front board work:水岸步道

创意空间:multi purpose open space | 水岸步道:water front board work | 绿廊:green corridor

Classic style - time proven design - Perfect for Trail Riding:经典样式-时间证明设计-完美的步道骑

Features: 特点: | Classic style - time proven design - Perfect for Trail riding !经典样式-时间证明设计-完美的步道骑! | Quality workmanship and material for a VERY good price.施工质量和材料的一个很好...

water rail:船舷步道

water quenching 水淬火 | water rail 船舷步道 | water ramjet 冲压式喷水推进