英语人>词典>汉英 : 步足 的英文翻译,例句
步足 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The results showed that the cephalothorax of Burma population was relatively smaller, and the dactyl length and prododus length of major second pereropod were larger than those of Thailand population, which proved Burma population had stronger activity and ability to get food.


The results showed that the cephalothorax of Burma population was relatively smaller , and the dactyl length and prododus length of major second pereropod were larger than those of Thailand population , which proved Burma population had stronger activity and ability to get food .


Interspecific variation in leg membrane size is from 0% to 60% of the surface area of the meral segment.


Moreover, the species-specific arrangement of color pattern with white tibia and black tarsus of male palp was presumed to be also important in male courtship.


Head ventral, 1 for the massive clamp-like jaws feet, for the first section of a specialized body of the pereiopod.


In order to prevent accidents, with egg sac singoriensis simply following in the abdomen, with the long arm pereiopod carry it away.


Trituberculatus, China's coastal areas are production, back on both sides have developed a sharp protrusion, fifth right pereiopod bian wide, suitable for swimming.


One would approach at first warily through the shrub oaks, running over the snow-crust by fits and starts like a leaf blown by the wind, now a few paces this way, with wonderful speed and waste of energy, making inconceivable haste with his "trotters," as if it were for a wager,and now as many paces that way, but never getting on more than half a rod at a time; and then suddenly pausing with a ludicrous expression and a gratuitous somerset, as if all the eyes in the universe were eyed on him —— for all the motions of a squirrel, even in the most solitary recesses of the forest, imply spectators as much as those of a dancing girl —— wasting more time in delay and circumspection than would have sufficed to walk the whole distance—— I never saw one walk —— and then suddenly, before you could say Jack Robinson, he would be in the top of a young pitch pine, winding up his clock and chiding all imaginary spectators, soliloquizing and talking to all the universe at the same time —— for no reason that I could ever detect, or he himself was aware of, I suspect.


The sequence analysis results of CO I and 16S rRNA gene showed that the much lower divergent level found among the ingroup samples in this study is more typical of what is seen among populations within species.


Females and males have Λ-shaped and M-shaped protuberances on the bases of fifth walking legs.


更多网络解释与步足相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


依管足的分布,棘皮动物的身体可以区分为10带区,有管足的带区称步带(ambulacrum),无管足的带区称间步带(interambulacrum),二者相间排列(图12-15). 海盘车(Asterias)一般称海星,分布在世界各海区,以太平洋海域种类最多.

ambulatory leg:步足

ambulatory funnel 漏斗 | ambulatory leg 步足 | ameba 变形虫

ambulatory leg:步脚

\\"步足带\\",\\"ambulacral zone\\" | \\"步脚\\",\\"ambulatory leg\\" | \\"虎螈\\",\\"ambystoma\\"


\\"步足\\",\\"ambulacra\\" | \\"步足带的\\",\\"ambulacral\\" | \\"步带沟\\",\\"ambulacral groove\\"

ambulacral zone:步足带

\\"步带棘\\",\\"ambulacral spine\\" | \\"步足带\\",\\"ambulacral zone\\" | \\"步脚\\",\\"ambulatory leg\\"


钩虾(gammarid)是端足目(Amphipoda)钩虾科(Gammaridae)甲壳动物. 为本目约80个科中最大的一科. 有时指钩虾属(Gammarus)而言. 具端足类的基本体型,体两侧扁平,胸部有7对步足(前两对通常较大),腹肢6对,前3对用於游泳,後3对用於在硬物上行动.


(5)多足纲(Myriapoda)体分头部和躯干部. 头部有3一4对附肢,即一对触角、一对大颚,和1~2对小颚. 躯干部有多对步足,每一体节l一2对. 用气管呼吸. 如蜈蚣等. (6)昆虫纲(Insecta)体分头、胸、腹三部、头部有4对附肢,包括一对触角、一对大颚,


囊虾总目(Peracarida)异足目(Tanaidacea)约500种,小型底栖甲壳动物的总称,海产或半咸水产. 世界性分布. 多在浅海中,但深海很深处也有. 体一般细长,达225公釐(0.081吋). 胸部有7对步足,第一对有大螯,能执握,第2对特以为掘穴用.


\\"菌蠹虫\\",\\"ambrosia beetle\\" | \\"步足\\",\\"ambulacra\\" | \\"步足带的\\",\\"ambulacral\\"


游隼 Peregrine Falcon | 步足;中胸足;中后胸足 pereiopods | 常鳃类 Perennibranchiata