- 更多网络例句与正驾驶相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Saw the humanity counter-attacks the robot so remarkable performance absolutely, an all people feeling is all gratified, all harbors the urgent mood to raise the head hopes for that final victory, while the daybreak dawn is going to arrive Moon's time, from the Moon crater, in the high summit crater, in turn departed suddenly several hundred giant starships, fires into the remote outer space rapidly, looked like is wants to encircle tightly prominently, is the head is a biggest blue color starship, in transparent cab, a stature big fully armed, on wears has the platinum imperial crown kind of person robot, is operating the giant starship personally, is leadingOther small flight vehicle, arranges the diamond attack formation, attempts to break through the humanity police power formidable air alert ......
After lighting the firearms set off,the solid nitrogen grain is quick to gasify,the nitrogen of large quantity nitrogen spirit blows to rise the air sac immediately,and in the mighty impact dint under,the air sac hurtles to open the cover on the steer device but the safety launche.
The officers moved from the midsection through the bomb bay, walking on a narrow steel beam with the 500- or 1,000- pound bombs hanging down on either side. The cockpit in a B-17 was above and immediately ahead of the bomb bay.
Clare deal with the legitimate Chairperson of the KhoiSan occasion, a true leader, after a battle that Clare was killed and Jim on the roof to escape., where he intended to prepare Kriging was found in the helicopter.
It was reported that there was a bomb aboard a plane he was piloting out of Hong Kong.
Driving his old truck toward his office, Rodger Brownlee saw a large crowd of people, and a station wagon in the water.
Careering along in his Ford Explorer, he tried to slam on the brakes, but they did not stop him.
当时他正驾驶 Ford Explorer,他试著踩煞车,但车辆并没有因此停下来。
When Fiat Punto is getting old, Ford Fiesta is waiting for a new body, Renault Clio II is aiming to cut cost, Ford Ka is lacking of a good engine, MCC Smart is understeering.....
这时侯 菲亚特 Punto 已经老了,福特 Fiesta 正在等待一个新的车身,雷诺 Clio 正忙于如何降低成本,福特 Ka 正缺乏一个好的发动机,MCC Smart 的驾驶性能不好。。。。。。
At driving bit mounted on the steering wheel airbag middle position, co-pilot-bit airbag installed in front of the platform itself, the accident happened at the moment can effectively protect the driver and co-occupant spaces of the head and chest, because facing fierce collision will happen cause the vehicle in front of large deformation, and the vehicle occupant as the inertia of this heavy dive forward, causing the car with each other percussive elements, while driving the location of the car airbag can effectively to prevent the steering wheel when the collision happened at the top of the chest to the motorists to avoid the fatal injuries.
Children are sitting on desks, store owners are satisfied that the passengers, taxi drivers Zheng Jiashi the vehicles, work, farming, stock speculation by the theory, the planning meeting…… everything is as normal to.
- 更多网络解释与正驾驶相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Flight Attendant:空中服务员
负责飞机起飞之后的运作,包括:机师 Pilots (正驾驶captain及副驾驶first officer),旧型飞机还有飞行机械师 (flight engineer) 或导航员(navigator)、空中服务员(Flight attendant),大型飞机上通常还有座舱长、飞行安全员(早期航空公司,
Memphis Belle:孟菲斯美女号
他的其他影片还包括>(Memphis Belle)中的正驾驶,这是一位正直耿介,不懂幽默的军官,但他执着于任务,也很为弟兄着想. 他出演过其他影片还包括>(Cutthroat Island),>(Married To The Mob 又名乌龙密探摆黑帮)等
由Nguyen Dang Kinh 和裴德如(Bui Duc Nhu)驾驶的两架MIg-21从白马(Kep)基地紧急升空拦截. 美机当时正冲着阳光飞行,他们的对手则在攻击时充分利用这一优势,在攻击中两架Mig21失散,但各自声称击落了一架F-105,
Olivier Martinez:奥利维耶.马丁内兹
浪漫的爱情总会让人飘飘然,奥利维耶-马丁内兹(OLIVIER MARTINEZ)也没能例外,他正和澳洲性感宝贝凯莉-米洛热恋中. 这位法国影星一挥千金,送给心上人凯莉一艘价值18万英镑的"爱"的游艇. 这艘游艇名叫"白翼",是凯莉看上的. 她曾经试着驾驶了一次,
机组有可能把"优先权"(Priority)和"紧急状况"(Emergency)两者搞混淆了. 机长希望副驾驶能向管制员表达飞机正处于"紧急状况"(Emergency) ,而副驾驶却要求管制员给予着陆"优先权"(Priority). 调查中了解到,A航空公司的飞行员证实,
flight engineer:飞行机械师
负责飞机起飞之后的运作,包括:机师 Pilots (正驾驶captain及副驾驶first officer),旧型飞机还有飞行机械师 (flight engineer) 或导航员(navigator)、空中服务员(Flight attendant),大型飞机上通常还有座舱长、飞行安全员(早期航空公司,