英语人>词典>汉英 : 正当结合 的英文翻译,例句
正当结合 的英文翻译、例句


justae nuptiae
更多网络例句与正当结合相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Therefore if thou shalt separate from thyself, that is, from thy understanding, whatever others do or say, and whatever thou hast done or said thyself, and whatever future things trouble thee because they may happen, and whatever in the body which envelops thee or in the breath, which is by nature associated with the body, is attached to thee independent of thy will, and whatever the external circumfluent vortex whirls round, so that the intellectual power exempt from the things of fate can live pure and free by itself, doing what is just and accepting what happens and saying the truth: if thou wilt separate, I say, from this ruling faculty the things which are attached to it by the impressions of sense, and the things of time to come and of time that is past, and wilt make thyself like Empedocles' sphere


The suggestions go as follows: making a competing subject with food practice discipline and healthy running mechanism; quickening our modern enterprise system reform and making a better market economy system; normalizing government's conduct and letting the market play the leading role; on the basis of fair competition, going on enterprise merging and promoting the rationalization of the accounting market; setting up an effective supervizing system with laws and trade discipline.


And opposite, the downstream unsubstitutability's market enhancement , advantage of status of products strengthen the unsubstitutability and market advantage status. These forms of expression of limiting the competition behavior are as follows, utilize the market advantage position, set up and strengthen the barrier of the application program or operating system procedure barrier, utilize OEM to put the software and squeeze the rival in advance, discriminatory pricing policy, pairing unsalable up with goods that sell well or trussing up and sells the behavior , lures the ICP into adopting specific technology, and technology the can only in specific customer serve and function, with the way of trussing up with the ISP.The copyright ill-useing happens frequently .


In this paper, the author firstly introduced a gradual progress and development of the state-run land biding, combining the special supply-demand relationship of land, according to the characteristics of trading procedure of the land, analyzed the reason why the land bidding is adopted progressively. at the same time, announcing all sorts of questions that exist during the process of using , they show from three respects, some questions show in land system, some questions show in trading procedure, the others are ungentlemanly non market-oriented conduct.


As a result, it is essential to seek a viable and integrated judgement model to promote administrative procedures legitimacy,which combine the characteristics of the administrative procedures and commentation of the tradition judgement model.


The legal reasoning is a kind of activity thought on logic in order to provide justification for the application oflaw, it is an organic combination for logical deductive argument and justificatory reasoning, its' basic mode is 'practical modus ponens'.


With this aim , this paper has made a comprehensive study on the problem of the land requisition in our country . armed with such renowned theories as the theory of property right application , land rent , public choice etc ., the study has rendered a potent analysis of the problems involved in the current land requisition policy and their reasons . then , based on china ' s realities , it advances its own proposal to renovate the current policy from various aspects including the nature and limitation , the procedure and the standard of compensations of the land requisition , that is , by means of a combination of enumeration and generalization , decide on a strict definition of public interests ; improve the procedure of the requisition of land under the principle of openness , justice and high efficiency ; set up the compensation standard with the market price as the baton while versified by other supplementary ways ; most importantly , clarify the property right of land


Part fiveraises several suggestions for perfecting our trademark law. First, it should expand trademark"s function and expand trademark protection range. Second, it should strengthen the effect of Unti-unaffair Completion Law for trademark protection. Third, in legislation of our country, it should endow the people"s courts with the right to affirm the resound trademark right. Four, it should allow the trademark right owners to protect their trademark rights with recovery trademark and allying trademark. Five, it should increase the relative accusals to strike trademark torts. Finally, it should make a uniform intellectual code to change the dispersive legislation mode.
