英语人>词典>汉英 : 正常的因素 的英文翻译,例句
正常的因素 的英文翻译、例句


regular element
更多网络例句与正常的因素相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From the management aim made by the form of managing with law in Ming Hui Code, to the thought of severe punishment in Ming Great Law and Ming Great Admonition, to the proper adjust of lawmaking suited to the society and treating the official clemently, we can see that Ming Dynasty racks the minds scheming the methods of managing the officials .But corruption was the appraisal of Ming Dynasty of afterworld . During the whole period of Ming Dynasty especially the later stage , corruption was widely. The political factor and culture factor were the most important reason .Value view of government behalf incorporation .Economical behalf is obtained not by economical means ,but by political ones, which is not a,normal state .


It is found that altitude is the main factor affecting the reference value of Chinese old women's hematocrit.


In traditional Chinese medicine the etiological factors include six exogenous pathogenic factors pestilential qi seven emotions improper diet irregular daily activity traumatic injury insect or animal bite etc.Under certain condition these factors can cause illnesses.


The univariate analysis between successful aging and MCI shows that education, marriage ,diet , exercise, somnus conduce to successful aging; drink ,smoke ,HBP , diabetes, COPD ,arthritis don"t conduce to successful aging .The multivariate analysis show that education, marriage ,diet ,exercise ,somnus conduce to successful aging; drink ,arthritis don"t conduce to successful aging.


The multivariate analysis shows that marriage, habitation, diet, exercise, somnus conduce to successful aging and smoke, diabetes, arthritis do not conduce to successful aging .


On the other hand, as illustrated in Picture B and D, the price drop would become material objects' price drop because of the continuous flow syphonage capital. Pictures stood by Picture B and D can become anti-syphonage theory pictures. The syphonage pictures and anti-syphonage pictures can simply stand for two converse investment opportunities. Under normal situations, commodity's syphonage capital flow can demonstrate a slow increasing situation in the long run. But the situation is usually affected by supply-and-demand situation in the middle and short run. Especially in the type of gurantee sum exchange, the supply-and-demand situation is a major factor affecting commodity price even in a price dominated market. The commodity's ultimate price will comparatively alter when the outer influence changes, and sometimes the price may change to a completely converse direction as expected. In case of the above case, we need to observe and research the influential factors. However the research is not like the Butterfly Theory research on slight variables. Syphonage theory deems that if continuous observance extends more than a certain percentage, such as 10% influential factor, and we continue researching, immediately putting 10% influential factors into research scale, we could finish the all-round research on commodity price analysis.


The undoubted meeting of company goes all out be an extensive dealer service, nevertheless, 100%'s be bound to meet in short-term inner cost-recovering and gains a profit of our still unable all guarantee dealers, because of manage the clothing and many factors have inevitable correlation , Bi Ru: Local consumption level , the shop geographic location , personal mode of business operation, consumer's diversity idea, dealer's selections city effect such as goods sight and climate change sells even, my company is able to have the relevance special field personage to provide special field guiding service , make great efforts to help dealer make for to be in motion and do business regularly to being able to cable a company with regular way individually completely in managing the dealer who comes up against difficulties in the middle,we are able to arrange the relevance personnel to come knocking at sb.


There are many safety factors which are active or passive. It is a important factor that automobile s lights is normal which can give driving signals in light in time according to the driver and good field of view.


Purpose: To study factors affecting different metabolites' content in frontal lobe and measure the level of metabolites of normal subjects.

目的 :探讨正常中国人额叶灰质和白质内代谢物含量的正常范围和影响代谢物浓度的因素。

Thus, too cerebral infarction patients, must be the doctor's advice and timely basis of the factors for cerebral thrombosis formal system of treatment, the only way to effectively prevent the recurrence of cerebral infarction, in particular, is suffering from cerebral infarction, in the effective melting suppository within the time (6 ~ 24 hours), timely treatment, thrombolysis, recanalization, since the view that patients return to normal, often because of financial, human and other factors, eager to hospital after reperfusion, non-systematic formal and effective cause of treatment, which led to the repeated recurrence of cerebral infarction, regret.


更多网络解释与正常的因素相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

go around:复飞

这个叫复飞(Go around) 当飞行员认为降落有任何因素影响安全都可以执行复飞. 这是一个很正常的动作. 复飞的理由太多了,下滑道建立不稳,拉飘了,风切变,姿态没有建立好等等原因. 复飞是最安全的选择. 在复飞和强行着陆之间复飞是安全的选择.

optic atrophy:视神经萎缩

视神经萎缩(optic atrophy)不是一个疾病的名称.而是指任何疾病引起视网膜神经节细胞和其轴突发生病变.致使视神经全部变细的一种形成学改变.为病理学通用的名词.一般发生于视网膜至外侧膝状体之间的神经节细胞轴突变性.主要表现视力减退和视盘呈灰白色或苍白.正常视盘色调是有多种因素决定的.正常情况下.视盘颞侧颜色大多数较

fecal impaction:粪便嵌塞

心理、社会方面的因素均会影响正常地排便. 便秘可导致腹部不适,食欲降低及恶心. 全身症状有头晕、头痛、乏力、焦虑、坐卧不安等. 老年人便秘的主要并发症是粪便嵌塞(fecal impaction),这会导致肠梗阻、结肠溃疡、溢出性大便失禁或矛盾性腹泻.

male infertility:男性不育症

男性不育症(male infertility)是指由于男性因素引起的不育. 一般把婚后同居2年以上未采取任何避孕措施而女方未怀孕,称为不育症. 发生率为10%左右. 其中单属女方因素约为50%,单纯男方因素约为30%,男女共有约20%. 临床上把男性不育分为性功能障碍和性功能正常两类,

limiting factor:限制因素

在正常未转化的细胞,P80cdc25的水平不高,而在胚胎细胞的水平较高,这不是一个限制因素(limiting factor)对依赖链的破坏发生影响,目前正在研究M期的调控机制是如何同其他的调控机制发生联系的,如对期程的调控,对细胞物质的调控,


高血压的病因(pathogenesis)至今尚不清楚,影响血压的因素很多且相互关联. Widimsky(1957)及Eich(1962)发现舒张压略高的年轻人,其心输出量增加. 其后报告指出:在非常早期时,有相当比例的原发性高血压病人,其心输出量增加而周边阻力正常,

Promenade Link:侧行连步

如前所述时间是很重要的因素,女士做侧行的过程有三个步(有两步是很清楚的保持头部位置). 她必须在做完外侧旋转后,恢复正常位置几乎是立刻,以便做侧行连步(Promenade Link)或者是其他把她带到与舞蹈伴面对的舞蹈步.

regular element:正常的因素,正则元素

regular dynamite 普通硝甘炸药 | regular element 正常的因素,正则元素 | regular embedding 正则嵌入

regular embedding:正则嵌入

regular element 正常的因素,正则元素 | regular embedding 正则嵌入 | regular equation 正则方程


长期受到精神压力的困扰,可导致β1-肾上腺素能(adrenergic)受体分子的改变. 慢性肛裂患者的内括约肌显示对β2-催动肌素(agomists)的敏感性增加,故而精神因素可能是诱发肛裂的因素之一. 一氧化氮(NO)代谢失常 正常情况下,