英语人>词典>汉英 : 歌舞会 的英文翻译,例句
歌舞会 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In the next nights, the village will hold on corroboree to celebrate the Spring Festival andevery young peoplemay seek forhis or herideal mate in this happy party.


You missed your prom, and you love this song.


Johnson, meanwhile explained to Johnson, how Aba the orchestra is simultaneously does catch two completely different age community's affection, because their song already had this kind to suit the young people, to fill likely smart-alecky and naive "Dear" as well as "Dance party Empress", also had is maturer, the extreme resonsideration, the emotion rich song, for example "Victor and "Understood Me for King" To understand You", therefore Klemmer firmly believed that in the Aba orchestra's song itself contained one to be able to attract several generation of person's stories.


Live musicians. Today, people are so 4. surrounded by other people's music that they take it for granted, but as little as 100 years ago singsongs at home, the 5. choir in the church and fiddlers in the pub were all that most people heard.


That was the first time that I celebated Christmas Day. My friend aksed me to take part in Chr...


更多网络解释与歌舞会相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


不到一年后, 迈克尔 以电影 >(Ben) 的主题歌开始了他的单飞生涯.那首歌的灵感来自于一只宠物老鼠, 并在全米排行榜上爬到第一位. 迈克尔在单飞道路上第一次尝到甜头.这可不是 杰克逊五兄弟 袭击化妆舞会的现场.


corroboratory 确定的 | corroboree 歌舞会 | corrode 侵蚀

Lied und csardas:查尔达斯之歌 女声独唱 雷哈尔

4. Kommt mit mir ins Chambre Separee轻歌剧 嘉年舞会 片断 | 5. Lied und Csardas 查尔达斯之歌 女声独唱雷哈尔 | 6. Katyusa - Kalinka 卡秋莎和加林卡

Lide und Csardas:查尔达斯之歌 女声独唱 雷哈尔

4、 Kommt mit mir ins Chambre Separee 轻歌剧"嘉年舞会"片断 雷哈尔 | 5、 Lide und Csardas 查尔达斯之歌 女声独唱 雷哈尔 | 6、 Katyusa-Kalinka 卡秋莎和加林卡


corroborator 确证者 | corroboratory 确定的 | corroboree 歌舞会


不到一年后, 迈克尔 以电影 <<本>>(Ben) 的主题歌开始了他的单飞生涯.那首歌的灵感来自于一只宠物老鼠, 并在全米排行榜上爬到第一位. 迈克尔在单飞道路上第一次尝到甜头.这可不是 杰克逊五兄弟 袭击化妆舞会的现场.