英语人>词典>汉英 : 歉意 的英文翻译,例句
歉意 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
regret  ·  regrets  ·  regretted  ·  regretting

更多网络例句与歉意相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I offer my sincerest apologies, I hope everyone can forgive my absent-mindedness, I will definitely be careful and make sure that this never happns again


We are deeply sorry for your loss, and accede to $500 as compensation to you.


We are regret for your losing and accede to compensate 500$ to you.


"I deeply regret the actions … and I offer my sincere apologies and sympathy to the family of Baha Mousa and the other eight Iraqi detainees," Ainsworth added.


Because of the email trouble, please alow me to send the photos for XX and my appology to you


One source of angst is the sorry state of American capitalism .


"Yes, I am," he said with an apologetic laugh.


I ran into him last week and he was just all apologetic about how he's changed.


This is used when you've done something wrong and you feel very apologetic: I'm terribly sorry.


He was very apologetic for being late.


更多网络解释与歉意相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


- jocular 滑稽的, 诙谐的 | - apologetic 谦卑的,充满歉意的 | - conciliatory 安抚的,抚慰的

Feeling Apologetic:表示歉意

47. Reproaching Others 责备他人 | 48. Feeling Apologetic 表示歉意 | 49. Expressing Curiostiy 表示好奇

I apologize for:我对......表示歉意

39. I'm trying to... 我正在试图...... | 40. I apologize for... 我对......表示歉意. | I apologize for what I said about you. (我对我说过你的闲话向你表示歉意. )

I apologize for:(我为......表示歉意. (较正式)

B:It doesn't matter,I'm not busy anyway. A:Thank you very much.(没关系,反正我也不忙.... | 15.I apologize for...(我为......表示歉意. (较正式)) | A:I apologize for what i said just now.(我为刚才说的话表示...


我办公室里有一本1976年新学院版的美国传统英语辞典,有关"抱歉"(sorry)的解释是"通常用于表达歉意(apology)". 在美国任何地方,所有的父母和教师都会教孩子们"做错了事要说对不起(sorry). "因此"道歉"(apology)是"抱歉"(sorry)的合理解释.

be afraid that-clause:常用来表示一种歉意和遗憾,拒绝对方的请求不能为对方效劳

I am afraid for your health. 我为你的身体担心. | be afraid that-clause 常用来表示一种歉意和遗憾,拒绝对方的请求不能为对方效劳 | 在意思上相当于I'm sorry,but...

deprecatory:表示歉意的; 表示不赞同的 (形)

deprecation 强烈不赞成; 反对; 祈免 (名) | deprecatory 表示歉意的; 表示不赞同的 (形) | depreciable 可减价的; 可折旧的 (形)

excuse oneself:替自己辩解;(为某事)表示歉意(for);借故不到; 请准提前离开

without excuse 无故, 故意 | excuse oneself 替自己辩解 (为某事)表示歉意(for) 借故不到; 请准提前离开 | excuse oneself from 借故推托, 婉言拒绝

Be able to express your sincere apology in business affairs as well as in everyday life:在商务活动及日常生活中能够表达诚挚的歉意

Be able to talk about the holi... | Be able to express your sincere apology in business affairs as well as in everyday life 在商务活动及日常生活中能够表达诚挚的歉意 | Be able to give advice and respond...

Forget Regret:忘决歉意

06 The Joint 结合 | 07 Forget Regret 忘决歉意 | 08 Out Of Town 城外