英语人>词典>汉英 : 歇斯底里症 的英文翻译,例句
歇斯底里症 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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If you smile too much, you're delusional or you're stifling hysteria.


Working with Breuer, Freud formulated and developed the idea that many neuroses phobias, hysterical paralyses and pains, some forms of paranoia, etc.

Josef Breuer 发现,当他激励一位患歇斯底里症的病人不受限制地谈论早期症状的发生时,后者有时逐渐缓和了。

As a response, this seemed inadequate to the immensity of the balloon, the suddenness of its appearance over the city; on the other hand, in the absence of hysteria or other societally induced anxiety, it must be judged a calm,"mature" one.


E Asia and China, whereby men believe their penis is shrivelling completely into their body, with death the ultimate feared outcome.


Episodes of mass hysteria often seem to involve women more than men, but that certainly isn't the case with koro : the phenomenon, observed largely in S.E Asia and China, whereby men believe their penis is shrivelling completely into their body, with death the ultimate feared outcome. Koro has tended to spread during economic crises.


Doctors tried to minister to her hysteria,depression,anorexia,insomnia,wildly alternating moods,lacerating rages,trances,fugue states,terrible confusions.


A particularly quaint British example of mass hysteria was "railway spine": 19th century rail passengers reported feeling faint and suffering back pain - a psychological reaction that experts at the time said was due to the effect of 30 mph speeds on the human body.


A particularly quaint British example of mass hysteria was "railway spine": 19th century rail passengers reported feeling faint and suffering back pain - a psychological reaction that experts at the time said was due to the effect of 30 mph speeds on the human body.


At this point he decided to adopt instead a method suggested by the work of an older Viennese colleague and friend, Josef Breuer, who had discovered that when he encouraged a hysterical patient to talk uninhibitedly about the earliest occurrences of the symptoms, the latter sometimes gradually abated.

返回维也纳后,佛洛伊德用歇斯底里症做实验,但是发现催眠术的有益效果并未持续太久。此时,他决定换用一位年长的维也纳同事兼朋友 Josef Breuer 的工作建议。

更多网络解释与歇斯底里症相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

combat fatigue:战斗疲惫症

combat exhaustion 战斗衰竭症 | combat fatigue 战斗疲惫症 | combat hysteria 战斗歇斯底里症


24.歇斯底里症(hysteria)--当老人突然失明、失听,或身体局部瘫痪时会出现这些行为. 若老人是不克制者,则要防止老人下意识地做一些自己不愿意做的事. 若情况长期出现便要向医生报告. 一般而言工作人员都要理解地,耐心地与老人交谈;

conversion hysteria:转化歇斯底里症

conversion disorder 转化障碍 | conversion hysteria 转化歇斯底里症 | conversion neurosis 转化性神经症

fixation hysteria:固著歇斯底里症

fixation frequency 视停次数 | fixation hysteria 固著歇斯底里症 | fixation line 注视线


hysterocarcinoma 子宫癌 | hysterocatalepsy 歇斯底里性僵住症 | hysterocataphraxis 子宫定位支持术


早期的精神症状有疲惫(lassitude)、忧虑(apprehesion)、压抑、丧失记忆、自闭症、精神错乱、歇斯底里症(hysteria)、躁狂症. 一般还会发生粉刺、秃头、口臭(halitosis)、高血压、脚抽筋(leg cramp)、偏头痛(migraine headaches)、血液循环不好、紧迫、蛀牙等.

melancholic melancholy:忧郁症

hysteria 歇斯底里症 | melancholic melancholy 忧郁症 | monomania 偏执狂


1885年弗洛伊德被维也纳大学聘 为神经病理学(neuropathology)讲师,同年获政府基金资助前往巴黎跟随 法国著名神经病学专家让?沙可(Jean Charcot)研究歇斯底里症 (1aysteria). 在沙可的影响下,弗洛伊德的研究兴趣开始由生理方面向心 理方面转变.


然而一旦他们进入状态,恐俄症(Russophobia)显然就不单是冷战时期的遗产了,而更像是华盛顿政客圈子里一条时髦的信条. 对于格鲁吉亚当局所发布的关于他们的国家,或者说是他们的政府前途命运的歇斯底里的声明,人们当然可以将之理解为事关"自由"和"民主"大义.


人类缺乏菸草酸时,先从胃肠道发生问题,包括舌头发炎(glossitis)及口角炎(stomatitis). 再严重下去,即会有厌食症发生,腹部不舒服感觉及下痢. 早期的精神症状有疲惫(lassitude)、忧虑(apprehesion)、压抑、丧失记忆、自闭症、精神错乱、歇斯底里症(hysteria)、躁狂症.