- 更多网络例句与歇斯底里状态相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Charcot believed that a hypnotized state was very similar to a bout of hysteria, and so he hypnotized his patients in order to induce and study their symptoms.
We are in control. They are in a state of hysteria.
It has physical, emotional, and cognitive components, any one of which can send the others into hysterics.
Tree frogs and cicadas were silent now, And then Kino's brain cleared from its red concentration and he knew the sound—the keening, moaning, rising hysterical cry from the little cave in the side of the stone mountain, the cry of death.
What revolted the mature Goethe in the young Kleist, who submitted his work to the elder statesman of German letters "on the knees of his heart"—the morbid, the hysterical, the sense of the unhealthy, the enormous indulgence in suffering out of which Kliest's plays and tales were mined—is just what we value today.
- 更多网络解释与歇斯底里状态相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
幸运的是这个通讯持续保有生命能, (因为)器皿是个具有坚强意志的实体只有很少的倾向朝向你们所谓的歇斯底里(hysteria)变貌; 由于这个攻击的头晕目眩(dizzy)效应是恒常的, 有时候会引发好几天的混乱状态.发问者: 我们欢迎这个实体的攻击服务,
然而一旦他们进入状态,恐俄症(Russophobia)显然就不单是冷战时期的遗产了,而更像是华盛顿政客圈子里一条时髦的信条. 对于格鲁吉亚当局所发布的关于他们的国家,或者说是他们的政府前途命运的歇斯底里的声明,人们当然可以将之理解为事关"自由"和"民主"大义.