英语人>词典>汉英 : 欧亚人的 的英文翻译,例句
欧亚人的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Eurasian  ·  Eurasiatic

更多网络例句与欧亚人的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Today, most people who live in Brazil are a mixture of European, African, Asian and Amerindian, which makes Brazilians a beautiful and unique people of all colors, shapes and sizes.


The fierce Abantes held Euboea with its cities, Chalcis, Eretria, Histiaea rich in vines, Cerinthus upon the sea, and the rock-perched town of Dium; with them were also the men of Carystus and Styra; Elephenor of the race of Mars was in command of these; he was son of Chalcodon, and chief over all the Abantes.


One of a Hellenic people of Mycenaean origin that inhabited Attica, the Peloponnesus along the Saronic Gulf, Euboea, the Cyclades, and Ionia .


It is more glad to know you are a "Eurasian".


Fennel oil has a lovely smell that is reminiscent of licorice.


COMMUNITY Essential Oil: Fennel 40、社区精油:茴香 Fennel oil has a lovely smell that is reminiscent of licorice.


At the same time Tuscany can be divided into at least 5 different territories, apart from the major cities: Pisa and the area known as 'Lucchesia', the renowned 'Chiantishire' (the most important wine-producing area), Siena with its beautiful hills and characteristic cypress trees, the 'Maremma' the wild Etruscan territory close to Grosseto, and the coastland including the islands of Elba and Giglio.


6000 Years ago,a part of ancient uralic was divided,some of them moved to easten europe,became Lapps and Ugrian,some stay in ural mountains,was Ogrian,and some of them began a boldly travel.they through the way direct the sun raising, step across the Eurasian grassland,and came north of China after hundreds of years,was Hunvi,the ancestor of honian.now days, more and more informations showed, Senrian②——the accepted ancestor of Chinese——was their likely progeny also.


Partly because Ainu men have luxuriant beards and the most profuse body hair of any people, they are often classified as Caucasoids (so-called white people) who somehow migrated east through Eurasia to Japan.


Culture In many respects, Azeris are Eurasian and bi-cultural, as northern Azeris have absorbed Russo-Soviet and Eastern European influences, whereas the Azeris of the south have remained within the Turko-Iranian and Persianate tradition.

文化 阿塞拜疆人在很多方面都体现欧亚两种文化特点。阿塞拜疆北方人受苏俄和东欧影响,而南方人则沿袭土耳其,伊朗和波斯的传统。

更多网络解释与欧亚人的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在古希腊的神话与传说中,"快乐女神"欧佛洛绪涅(Euphrosyne)是"美惠三女神(The Graces)之一. 在西方哲学源头之一的亚里士多德那里,由德性(勇敢、谦虚、进取、诚实、节制等)所带来的快乐就是幸福,人皆希望拥有. 伊壁鸠鲁将快乐看作"幸福生活的起点和目标",


基因组 透露了人体过去的秘密,透过对黑猩猩的基因研究,发现黑猩猩是人 类的近亲;对庇里牛斯山的巴斯克人 (Basques)的基因研究,发现它们 并非与欧亚混血人(Eurasian)同宗,而是源自欧洲内陆.


Eurasian 欧亚的 | Eurasian 欧亚人的 | Eureka 尤里卡

John F.Kennedy:约翰.甘乃迪

那就是约翰.甘乃迪(John F Kennedy)与比尔.柯林顿(Bill Clinton). 欧巴马、甘乃迪与柯林顿之间有一些共通点,包括他们都隶属於民主党,在参选时都才40几岁十分年轻,而且他们的演说功力都特别突出. 不仅如此,欧巴马的父亲是肯亚人,母亲是白人,

Kiowa Gordon:凯欧瓦.高登

在>中将出现狼人的新角色,五位饰演狼人的演员分别是:查克.斯潘塞(Chaske Spencer)、布朗森.佩乐缇(Bronson Pelletier)、亚历克斯.莫拉兹(Alex Meraz)、凯欧瓦.高登(Kiowa Gordon)和泰森.豪斯曼(Ty.据国外媒体报道,


Baltit-波罗的人 | Kurgan-库尔干文化(原始印欧文化) | Kimmerria-辛美利亚人(公元初斯基泰人的一支)




Indo-European 印欧人 | Shakespearean 崇拜莎士比亚的人 | Caesarean 古罗马皇帝的支持者,专制政体的拥护者


同族人作为一族成员谈论的是部族所关心的事,公民成员则可能谈论任何有关城邦(在拉丁语中即共和国,这个词被转为表示集会和社会本身)的事. 在埃斯库罗斯(Aeschylus)的<<俄瑞斯忒亚>>(Oresteia)的最后一出剧--欧墨尼得斯(Eumenides)中,

Group Of Nubians At Wady Kardassy:努比亚人

卡拉布萨神庙门廊 Great Portico Of Kalabasha | 努比亚人 Group Of Nubians At Wady Kardassy | 残破的柯欧普神殿 Kom Ombo