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模拟输出卡 的英文翻译、例句


analog output card
更多网络例句与模拟输出卡相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Best resolution in the LCD display to show the graphics output of analog signal processing, to convert with the specific address information (the pixels on the screen of the absolute address) of the display signal, and then into the LCD panel, directly to the show signal added to the pixel corresponding to the drive pipe, some with memory addressing and write is similar.


A video card , also called a graphics card or video adapter , converts digital output into an analog video signal that is sent through a cable to the monitor .


With the change of the interval, analog output channel outputs variant voltage to frequency converter that controls the speed of the motor.


The development of MSCIS mainly includes the following two parts: the cards and the software running on the communication computer. There are five types of cards, communication card, control card, analog output card, analog input card and digital input/output card.


Bit, 32-ch Isolated Analog Output Card


PCI-1724U 14-bit, 32-ch Isolated Analog Output Card

PCI-1723 16位,8路非隔离模拟量输出卡

The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of radiochromic film dosimetry, including the film response versus time, dose linearity, energy dependence and angular dependence. In addition, we measure the output factors for the field defining collimators used in gamma knife by using spherical phantom. The measurement results were compared with the results of Monte Carlo simulation.


The realization scheme of this project is also discussed in the paper, a data pick-up/control board using PCI bus protocol is designed, this board together with some softwares can finish many functions such as AD conversion of DC system generatrix and every DC spur track, sine wave generation which frequency is between 0-50Hz , and some control functions in fault analysis system.


3The PC is available in a variety of forms ranging from a single card, a portable, a desktop and ruggedized industrial version for use on the factory floor.


更多网络解释与模拟输出卡相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

analog monitor:模拟监视器

70analog input card模拟输入卡 | 71analog monitor模拟监视器 | 72analog output card模拟输出卡

analog output card:模拟输出卡;模拟输出电路板

analog output 模拟输出 | analog output card 模拟输出卡;模拟输出电路板 | analog representation 模拟表示法

analog output card:模拟输出卡

71analog monitor模拟监视器 | 72analog output card模拟输出卡 | 73analog recording模拟记录

analog output card:模拟量输出卡

模拟信号:analog signal | 模拟量输出卡:Analog output card | 模拟量输入卡:Analog signals input board



excitation voltage:激励电压

PCI-9524数据采集卡内置24位高分辨率的模拟数字转换器,并可提供2.5V或10V 两种激励电压(Excitation Voltage)的选择PCI-9221支持可程序化多功能数字I/O功能,可用在定时器、计数器、马达译码器(Encoder)及脉宽调变(PWM)输出等弹性化的设计


最后,用2.5维粒子模拟程序--卡拉特(KARAT)程序优化设计这种C波段双间隙输出腔,通过具体结构参数的调试和冷测,研制出了中心频率为3.74GHz、有载品质因数为7的低QL 值输出腔.

analog output:输出

小弟刚刚学习labview,欲用台湾凌华产的数据采集卡DAQ-2214(非NI)输出电压,忘各位大侠指点一下,应如何做啊?想用模拟输出(analog output)模块,不知可否有相应的labview程序,或相关书籍,设计方法,希望大家帮忙,急用,先谢谢各位了

analog representation:模拟表示法

analog output card 模拟输出卡;模拟输出电路板 | analog representation 模拟表示法 | analog scaling 模拟刻度


并提供以下注意:检查系统位%S51 确认日历时钟(RTC)选件已安装,见系统位控制器只有在安装RTC选件卡(TWDXCPRTC)的情况下才能更新日期和l 通过离散(PWM)或模拟输出发送相应命令到驱动执行器类型 结果(res) 表(Tab)类型 结果(res