英语人>词典>汉英 : 概算 的英文翻译,例句
概算 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

financial estimates · budgetary estimate · approximate amount · rough calculation
更多网络例句与概算相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Proposed additional core budget for the biennium 2010–2011 by object of expenditure

表 12。按支出用途开列的2010-2011年核心方案额外概算

Requests the Executive Secretary, when drafting future budget proposals, to present the level of detail provided in the previous biennium and submit the proposals in a timely manner.


My child, when i went to the lab today , i put on my formal clothes ,even though it's muggy, and though they've been poor to wear out,they're formal; as i went to the auditorium,i pull my bamboo mules,yes,you know, it's polite to others to dress formaly ,even though they 're not such caparison , and it's polite to yourself to dress degagely, what matters is that it's not polite neither to others nor to yourself to dress up your soul,it should be another truth.


Specifically, a preliminary design of the content of the programme should include : plans, the necessary elevation, some hand-painted the galley proof, and a description of some of the necessary construction design estimates.


III Construction Scale and Major Content: The total investment is 16.6 million yuan.


Power engineering construction estimate rating is a set of professional rating.


Thus, as a first approximation, the plan increases the progressivity of the tax code by redistributing income from the very rich (e.g., CEOs, hedge fund managers, superstar athletes and actors) to the upper middle class (e.g., doctors, lawyers, congressmen).


Finally, the design of the wharf engineering preliminarily the construction organization design, and project budget.


Qiongzhou Bridge is a province the use of bond funds the construction of national key projects, but also the provincial government for the development of regional economy in Northeast qiong taken significant measures, engineering概算总投资193 million yuan .


Project a project概算总投资1.8756 billion yuan, the production of 100,000 tons in the whole bleached sulphate pulp products.


更多网络解释与概算相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

approximate calculation:概算

approximate analysis 近似分析 | approximate calculation 概算 | approximate coordinate 近似坐标

approximate calculation:近似计算,概算

calculation 计算,运算,计算结果;仔细分析;算计 | approximate calculation 近似计算,概算 | cost calculation 成本计算

approximate value:近似值, 概算价值

approximate treatment | 近似计算 | approximate value | 近似值, 概算价值 | approximate | 近似的, 大约的 近似, 接近, 接近, 约计

Planning estimate for the forecast period:预测时期的计划概算

planning estimate;计划概算;; | Planning estimate for the forecast period;预测时期的计划概算;; | planning exercise;规划活动;;

norms for preliminary estimate:概算定额

norms for approximate estimate 概算定额 | norms for preliminary estimate 概算定额 | Norris bagasse digester 诺里斯蔗渣蒸煮器

rough estimate:概算

Rough copy; draft 草稿 | Rough estimate 概算 | Royalties 使用税;租金;版税

rough estimate:估算,概算

rough calculation 估算,粗略估计 | rough estimate 估算,概算 | rough weight 毛重

priced bill:工程概算表

price-wealth pair 价格-财富对,价格-资源对 | priced bill 工程概算表 | priced bill of quantities 工程概算表,标价工程量清单

probable reserves:概算储量

据沙特声称,该国的原始原油地质储量超过7000亿桶,这一地质学者所涵盖的定义包括已经投产的石油、探明储量、概算储量(Probable reserves)、预测储量(Possible reserves),以及至今未被发现的储量(后者是一个或然假定).


Estimated statement 估计表 | Estimates 估计;概算 | Estimates of revenue 岁入概算