英语人>词典>汉英 : 棕土的 的英文翻译,例句
棕土的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与棕土的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The banyan tree is gray brown, growth in the Soil.


While the former two series are not represented on this occasion, what remains most prominent in a cognitive sense is the intensity of the focal depth, as the burnt umber, charcoal grey and black traces draw one's eye away from the diffused fields of pale blue and grey which surround the figures, and are polycentric in their effect.


A natural brown earth containing ferric oxide and manganese oxides, used as pigment.


A natural brown earth containing ferric oxide and manganese oxide s,used as pigment.


According to the values of pHPZNC, N s and structural negative charge density measured, the intrinsic surface reaction equilibrium constants, p K of 1-p K model, p K a1int and p K a2int of 2-p K model, were directly calculated to be 3.37, 2.42 and 4.32, respectively, for the meadow brown soil in northeast of China.

根据实验测定的pHPZNC, N s和结构电荷密度值直接计算得出东北草甸棕壤样品的界面反应特征平衡常数即1-p K 模型中的p K , 2-p K 模型中p K a1int和p K a2int,分别为3.37, 2.42和4.32,与文献报道的沉积物和蒙脱土的值相吻合。

Through investigation on the Eh values of cinnamon soil,sierozem,brown desert soil in situ with new electrochemical methods and summarization of the same results of laterite,red soil and yellow brown soil,a horizontal zonal variation of oxidation-reduction characteristics in semi-humid,semiarid and arid areas from south China to north China is revealed.


Result shows that the weathering rates were very low (usually lower than 1.0 keq × ha-1× a-1) for allite (including red earth, lateritic red earth, red earth, yellow earth, and yellow-brown earth) in south China and silalsol (consisting of dark brown forest soil, black soil, and podzolic soil) in northeast China, but very high for xerosol and alpine soil in northwest China.

总的说来,中国南方富铝土区域(包括砖红壤带、赤红壤带、红壤黄壤带和黄棕壤带)以及东北的硅铝土区域(包括暗棕壤黑土带和漂灰土带)的土壤风化速率较低(通常低于1.0 keq × ha-1× a-1),而西北地区干旱土和高山土的风化速率则较高。

The statistics and multiple analysis were used to suggest the diagnostic properties and diagnostic indexes for yellow brown earth and cinnamon soil in the south part of Shaanxi Provice.


Shijiazhuang City, land resources, a total of brown, cinnamon, rocky soil, soil thick bone, the new soil, sand wind, tidal land, swamp land, paddy soil, saline soil, mountain meadow soil, and other 11 types of soil, with Rattus Chao soil and the soil most widely distributed.


Soybean planted in the yellow brown soil, althongh they had big difference in nodule numbers caused by different inoculation methods, there were no difference in the fresh shoot weight because of the poor nutritional conditions. Soybean planted in the brown soil, the difference between different inoculations and fresh shoot weight were obviously because of the balance nutritional conditions. Although there were big difference in nodule numbers when soybean were planted in the peat, there were no difference in the fresh shoot weight, this might be caused by peat, the peat were not a natural soil type and the nutritional conditions might be unbalance.


更多网络解释与棕土的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

claybank:土堤, 棕黄色

clay-cold | 土一样冷的 | claybank | 土堤, 棕黄色 | clayed sugar | (白土脱色的)漂白蔗糖


[14] 河漫滩(floodplain) 当河流洪水泛滥时,除河床以外,谷底部分也被淹没,被淹的河底滩地称为河漫滩. [7] 褐土(cinnamon soil) 在旱生森林灌木丛草原下形成的,在水平分布上处于棕壤和黑垆土带,栗钙土带之间,在垂 直分布上出现在棕壤带之下.

recoat adhesion:再涂附着力

raw umber 棕土颜料 | recoat adhesion 再涂附着力 | recoat time 再涂时间[第一道漆涂后干到可涂第二道漆时所需要的时间]


umber /棕土/焦茶色/棕色的/棕土的/涂红棕色于/ | umbilectomy /脐切除术/ | umbilic /脐/

Merchant prince:富商,豪商

富锰棕土色/raw umber | 富商,豪商/merchant prince | 富有的主顾/carriage trade