英语人>词典>汉英 : 棉胶湿版法 的英文翻译,例句
棉胶湿版法 的英文翻译、例句


cotton sweep
更多网络例句与棉胶湿版法相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gibbons is both a classical and regional photographer, an aspect that is note unusual as the wet collodion process requires one to carry the processing equipment into the field. It is also large:14×11 inches-the size of the camera.

Gibbons 是专业的古典摄影师,一方面关注的领域是可以达到湿版火棉胶摄影法需求的设备,同时也对:14×11英尺的相机很感兴趣。

Wet -collodion reverse images (traditionally called tintypes and ambrotypes) are easier to make than daguerreotypes and consequently more accessible.


Today, contemporary tintypes and other collodion-based imagery, along with once-obscure processes such as the daguerreotype, are regularly found in the contemporary art market.

在 19 世纪,铁版照相法被认为是"低级的",摄影师无法反复的通过这种铁版来制作照片,并且它们很廉价,在当代,除了一次性暗房冲洗的达盖尔银版摄影术以外,铁版摄影法和火棉胶湿版摄影法经常的出现在现代艺术市场中。

Today, contemporary tintypes and other collodion-based imagery, along with once-obscure processes such as the daguerreotype, are regularly found in the contemporary art market.

在 19 世纪,铁版照相法被认为是&低级的&,摄影师无法反复的通过这种铁版来制作照片,并且它们很廉价,在当代,除了一次性暗房冲洗的达盖尔银版摄影术以外,铁版摄影法和火棉胶湿版摄影法经常的出现在现代艺术市场中。

更多网络解释与棉胶湿版法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

wet plate collodion process:棉胶湿版法

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wet collodion plate:湿版

wet burnishing 湿罩光 | wet collodion plate 湿版 | wet collodion process 火棉胶湿版(片)制版法

wet collodion process:火棉胶湿版(片)制版法

wet collodion plate 湿版 | wet collodion process 火棉胶湿版(片)制版法 | wet colour 未干色