英语人>词典>汉英 : 检查长 的英文翻译,例句
检查长 的英文翻译、例句


inspector general · attorney general
更多网络例句与检查长相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

IGo North America 2006 comes in the package of 1GB SD or mini SD memory card with adapter.


We have to have an attorney general who is candid, truthful .


KUALA LUMPUR, July 1 — The Public Accounts Committee will summon the Ong Tee Keat, Ling Liong Sik, Chan Kong Choy the attorney-general and Backbencher Tiong Hing King to testify over the PKFZ scandal in this coming two weeks.


We have to have the attorney general to expand, crisfer, and we thought he is not expanded crisfer, that a very completive waited for him out of arm.


Inspector General is elected by the people.


This tradition has carried over into more recent times with lawyers such as President Mary McAleese, former Presidents, Mary Robinson and Cearbhall ó Dálaigh, and Peter Sutherland, former Attorney General of Ireland becoming important national and global political figures.

这一历史延续至今,律师出身的爱尔兰现任总统 Mary McAleese,前任总统 Mary Robinson, Cearbhall O'Dalaigh 以及前任总检查长Peter Sutherland 都是爱尔兰及世界的重要的政治人物。2003年访问中国的爱尔兰总统玛丽?

This review should determine whether NHTSA carried a bias against regulating nonmechanical vehicle components, had been excessively influenced by automobile manufacturers in regulating electronic control mechanisms, and/or lacked the resources to adequately investigate electronic control mechanisms,' Sen.


This review should determine whether NHTSA carried a bias against regulating nonmechanical vehicle components, had been excessively influenced by automobile manufacturers in regulating electronic control mechanisms, and/or lacked the resources to adequately investigate electronic control mechanisms,' Sen. Jay Rockefeller said in a letter to Calvin Scovel III, the Department of Transportation's inspector general.

洛克菲勒(Jay Rockefeller,西弗吉尼亚州民主党参议员)在写给运输部总检查长斯哥维尔的信中说,这一审查应确定美国国家公路交通安全管理局是否对监管车辆非机械部件心存偏见,是否在管理电子控制系统方面受到汽车生产商的过度影响,以及是否缺乏对电子控制系统进行充分调查的资源。

It then concatenates the words, checking the length as it adds each word, and inserts line breaks wherever the length of the concatenated string reaches my optimum width.


As the president spoke, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder was heading to the region to meet with state attorneys general to discuss possible criminal prosecutions relating to the disaster.


更多网络解释与检查长相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Characters long:字符长

Change Password 更改密码 | Characters long 字符长 | Check ZIP's in autoload Folder: 检查自动加载文件夹中的 ZIP:

Immobilize ractive:被动防盗系统启动策念头防盗锁定系统启动,检查钥匙

Bonnet open引擎盖未关引擎盖打开 | Immobilize ractive被动防盗系统启动策念头防盗锁定系统启动,检查钥匙 | Steering malfunction转向系统障碍联系关系长安福特授权经销商检查

inspector general act:总检查长法

inspector general总检查长 | inspector general act总检查长法 | instability index of earnings收益不稳定指数

The Inspector General:检查长; 监察长

the inland revenue 国内税收 | The Inspector General 检查长; 监察长 | the last word 最后一句话, 定论

Pap smear:子宫抹片检查

这一连串过程短则一年内发生、长则多年,而众所周知的子宫抹片检查(pap smear)或阴道镜检查,正是在子宫颈癌前期癌转为癌症前,即早侦测,预防癌症的发生.

reject conveyer:产品检查台输送带

viperfish 蝰鱼 | reject conveyer 产品检查台输送带 | wine flower 葡萄酒长花(变质), 醋长花(变质)

Her blood workup shows her pro-time's elevated:血液检查发现凝血酶原时间变长

So why is our patient bleeding into her brain?... | Her blood workup shows her pro-time's elevated.|血液检查发现凝血酶原时间变长 | She's bleeding because she's not clotting.So why is she not clotting?|...

Overvoltag eStop safely:电压过高,请安定泊车供电系统障碍,联系关系长安福特授权经销商检查

Alarm system service reqd请检查报警系统联系关系长安福特授权经销商检查 | Overvoltag eStop safely电压过高,请安定泊车供电系统障碍,联系关系长安福特授权经销商检查 | Power system malfunction供电系统障碍


2.耳镜检查(otoscopy) 当耳道狭小或炎症肿胀时,用漏斗状的耳镜(耳道撑开器)撑开狭窄弯曲的耳道,避开耳道软骨部耳毛,保证光源照入. 耳镜管轴方向与外耳道长轴一致,以便窥见鼓膜. 骨性耳道缺乏皮下脂肪,无伸缩性,故耳镜前端勿超过软骨部,

Check Bunker Rake and Water Hazard:检查沙坑耙和水障碍桩

12. 施肥---在长草区 Fertilize --- on Roughs | 13. 检查沙坑耙和水障碍桩 Check Bunker Rake and Water Hazard | 14. 筛沙 Sift Sands