英语人>词典>汉英 : 梳头 的英文翻译,例句
梳头 的英文翻译、例句


do up one's hair
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Comb down and back.


Jun finger-combed the hair from her eyes, unclipping a gold barrette and twisting the hair into a short braid as she spoke.


A small tin case on the table probably held her toilet things; it was bespattered with greasy spots.


This is the way we brush our hair, on a Sunday morning.


The first time on the morning exercises, there are dark capri pants, socks, and there are no time for hair, a mess of things, so that everyone exhausted.


I have to cb my hair.


Um, I used to listen to the radio, my mother used to listen to the eight o clock news on Radio Four every morning, when she was combing my hair when I was a little girl.


He blushed, seeing Daguenet looking at him. Notwithstanding which, they had conceived a tender regard the one for the other. They rearranged the bows of their cravats in front of the big dressing glass and gave each other a mutual dose of the clothesbrush, for they were all white from their close contact with Nana.


If you comb only the top surface, you'll tend to card the coat.


You see: The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she cobs her hair.


更多网络解释与梳头相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Comb your hair. 梳头. | ●Babysitting 照看孩子 | Did she go? 她是不是尿了?

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do up one's hair:梳头

do up brown 彻底搞好 | do up one's hair 梳头 | do up 束起

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disabilities of brushing and combing hair:梳头失能

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She was combing her hair:她正在梳头

I) 这娃娃头真大. The baby has got a real big head. | 2) 她正在梳头. She was combing her hair. | 3) 他的女儿在山头上玩. His daughter is playing on the top of the hill.