英语人>词典>汉英 : 桂皮醇 的英文翻译,例句
桂皮醇 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与桂皮醇相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Amyl cinnamate was synthesized from cinnamic acid and amyl alchol using tungstosilicic acid as catalyst.


We Factory export forest products as follows:Gum Rosin,Gum Turpentine(All products take to make by best,advanced and universal's a spectrum of steam method,and we severely differentiate material make into 100% Pinus Massoniana,Pinus Marsh,pinus elliotiis and Pinus mixed etc foru products),Pine Oil,Terpineol,α-Pintene,β-Pintene any rosins,Tung Oil,Cassia,Star Aniseed etc.our export have exceed 15years.


Their structures were characterized as dihydroconiferyl dihydro-p-coumarate, vanillin, apocynin, p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, syringaldehyde, syringic acid, syringylethanone,α-hydroxypropiosyringone, coniferyl aldehyde, dihydroconiferyl alcohol, 2-hydroxyphenylpropanol, and 3-hydroxy-4-methoxy-phenylethanol, respectively.

结果 从该植物中分离得到12个酚性化合物,其结构分别为二氢松柏醇二氢对羟基桂皮酸酯,香草醛,罗布麻宁,对羟基苯甲醛,丁香醛,丁香酸,丁香乙酮,α-羟基丁香丙酮,松柏醛,二氢松柏醇,2-羟基苯丙醇和3-羟基-4-甲氧基苯乙醇。

Gallnut decoction group, was effective on eliminating Enterococcus faecalis when the pastes were placed 3 days ;until the pastes were placed 7 days , Enterococcus faecalis was successfully killed, although not as quickly as the other three drug groups.

五倍子水煎剂组,在第3天时可以抑制粪肠球菌,但不能完全杀灭;在第7天时,可以成功杀灭粪肠球菌;其效果不及桂皮醛组、 FC 组、氢氧化钙丙二醇糊剂组迅速。

Department of tooth crowns were removed and apical, dedicated root 6mm long, 50 teeth set up Enterococcus faecalis after root canal infection model, 20 teeth were placed in root canals cinnamaldehyde, gallnut decoction, Another 30 infected root canals placed FC, calcium hydroxide paste propylene glycol and normal saline.


Condensation of cinnamaldehyde with methyl crotonate in the presence of alcohol-flee potassium methoxide gives,after hydrolysis,p-phenyl-benzoic acid in low yield.Its structure has been ascertained by direct comparison with an au- thentic sample.


Methods: 60 freshly extracted , single-rooted premolars were randomly divided into two experimental groups (cinnamic aldehyde, gallnut decoction) and four control group (FC group, calcium hydroxide mixed with propylene glycol group, negative the control group and positive control group),.


更多网络解释与桂皮醇相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cinnamic acid:桂皮酸

芳香油中的化学成分主要有:芳樟醇(linalool)、 柠檬醛(citral)、 黄樟油素(safrol)、樟脑(camphor)、桉叶油素(cineol)、 桂皮酸(cinnamic acid)等. 本科经济植物繁多,用途很广. 鳄梨是营养价值很高的一种水果,其果仁富含油脂.

cinnamic acid:桂皮酸;肉桂酸

桂皮酸,肉桂酸 cinnamic acid | 桂皮醇,肉桂醇 cinnamic alcohol | 桂皮醛,肉桂醛 cinnamic aldehyde

cinnamic acid:肉桂酸;桂皮酸

"组织胺拮抗剂","cimetidine" | "肉桂酸;桂皮酸","cinnamic acid" | "肉桂醇;桂皮醇","cinnamic alcohol"

cinnamic aldehyde:桂皮醛;肉桂醛

桂皮醇,肉桂醇 cinnamic alcohol | 桂皮醛,肉桂醛 cinnamic aldehyde | 桂皮油,肉桂油 cinnamic oil

cinnamic alcohol:肉桂醇;桂皮醇

"肉桂酸;桂皮酸","cinnamic acid" | "肉桂醇;桂皮醇","cinnamic alcohol" | "肉桂醛;桂皮醛","cinnamic aldehyde"

cinnamic alcohol:桂皮醇,肉桂醇

桂皮酸,肉桂酸 cinnamic acid | 桂皮醇,肉桂醇 cinnamic alcohol | 桂皮醛,肉桂醛 cinnamic aldehyde

cinnamyl:肉桂基 桂皮酰

cinnamycin 肉桂霉素 | cinnamyl 肉桂基 桂皮酰 | cinnamylalcohol 肉桂醇

Cinnamyl alcohol:桂皮醇

乙酸桂皮酯 cinnamyl acetate | 桂皮醇 cinnamyl alcohol | 桂皮醛 cinnamyl aldehyde

cinnamyl acetate:乙酸桂皮酯

主要成分:桂皮含有挥发油,油中主要成分为桂皮醛(Cinnamaldehyde)少量乙酸桂皮酯(Cinnamyl acetate),桂皮酸(Cinnamic acid)和肉桂醇D1、D2等. 这些成分有促进唾液和胃液分泌及增进消化的作用. 烹调用途:主要用于烹饪中增香,

stylone; styrone; cinnamic alcohol; styrylcarbinol:桂皮醇;苯乙烯甲醇

番木虌碱硝酸盐 strychnine nitrate | 桂皮醇;苯乙烯甲醇 stylone; styrone; cinnamic alcohol; styrylcarbinol | 人血草碱;刺罂粟碱 stylopine