英语人>词典>汉英 : 格斗 的英文翻译,例句
格斗 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
joust  ·  wrestle  ·  wrestling  ·  jousted  ·  jousting  ·  jousts  ·  justed  ·  justing  ·  justs  ·  wrestled  ·  wrestles

更多网络例句与格斗相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Moreover, the age structure is the main factor leading to the different agonistic behaviors.


By the inflammation pro-force for two years to build the domestic version of the first 3D fighting cross network action RPG game "东游记online", the system has a unique model, gorgeous spectacular skills, earned the fighting system and dripping fascinating story.


Melee value below the selected units, a value of close bayonet fighting value, the value the greater the ability to force the more intense close fighting, we can note that some arms are born with fighting on the value of the military than the method The Fusilier, some arms natural fighting ability, but with the experience of growth, increased fighting soon, we can look at.


All types of hand-to-hand combat which demand set positions for the attacker and his opponent are useless when you find yourself in actual combat.


New Land Unit Balance Melee Units are very dangerous when they are close, Line Infantry get new special character=very large Defence, low Melee= The battle mechanics makes them to keep formation like the Last of the Mohican movie


Although the style of fighting which involves kicking a man when he is down, gouging out his eyes, and kicking him in the testicles does not appeal to the average American, we must forget the Marquise of Queensberry and his often violated rules of sportsman like combat when dealing with our Jap and Nazi enemies.


Although the style of fighting which involves kicking a man when he is down, gouging out his eyes, and kicking him in the testicles does not appeal to the average American, we must forget the Marquise of Queensberry and his often violated rules of sportsm


The rhinoceros beetle wrestling device is a head-and-body mounted display, that equips human beings with the appendages required to interact with a male rhinoceros beetle.


There were not correlation between the inter-colony agonistic behavior and the secretion of frontal gland, gnathal gland and abdominal gland, or the compounds of body wall, the genetic background, the contents of microelement and protein in body, the microorgansim in intestinal cavity. The colony age and the colony individuals quantity had not effects on the inter-colony agonistic behavior. But the season change, the food kinds, the soil around colony, and the weak volatile compounds from termites would influence the agonstic behavior between colonies in a certain extent.


With the background of air-to-air dogfight missile and according to the analysis of designing mission,the request of designing software is presented,and according to the actual demands of engineering,the simulation platform of air-to-air dogfight missile is designed using modularization and structuralize.


更多网络解释与格斗相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

martial arts:军事艺术:提升格斗时的准确度和破坏力

Lock-picking开锁:成功的开锁. | Martial Arts军事艺术:提升格斗时的准确度和破坏力. | Night Ops夜战:让你在夜里移动的更隐蔽以及在夜里有更好的视觉.

The soldiers grappled with the enemy at close quarters:士兵短兵相接地同敌人格斗

Money put into the credit cards is at call.^划入信用卡的钱可以随... | The soldiers grappled with the enemy at close quarters.^士兵短兵相接地同敌人格斗. | He is quite at ease in public.^他在公众场合十分...

bare-knuckle fighting:赤拳格斗

ball games 球类运动 | bare-knuckle fighting 赤拳格斗 | baseball 棒球

Why bother having a rest, just let them bare-knuckle it:为什么要休息 就让他们赤拳格斗嘛

I hate it when the ref does that.|真讨厌裁... | Why bother having a rest, just let them bare-knuckle it.|为什么要休息 就让他们赤拳格斗嘛 | I can't believe you were thinking of that coming.|你竟然这么想...

Melty Blood Act Cadenza:月姬格斗 战斗的装饰乐曲 (日版)

Mega Man X Command Mission 洛克人X 突击任务(美版) | Melty Blood Act Cadenza 月姬格斗 战斗的装饰乐曲 (日版)351 | Memories Off 6 T-Wave 秋之回忆 6 三角波纹[JPN 日版]

Urban Champion:街头格斗小子

街头格斗小子 (Urban Champion) 下载[FC中文游戏]☉街头格斗小子 (Urban Champion) 下载[FC中文游戏]来自网络收集或网友上传,版权归街头格斗小子 (Urban Champion) 下载[FC中文游戏]原作者所有. ☉如果遇到街头格斗小子 (Urban Champion) 下载[FC中文游戏]总是不能下载的请与我们联系,谢谢合作!!

Urban Champion:街头格斗小子 格斗类

3.7 The Ant Bully 联合缩小兵 冒险类 | 3.6 Urban Champion 街头格斗小子 格斗类 | 3.0 Legend of Kage 影子传说 冒险类

Dead or Alive Code: Cronus:生死格斗:克罗诺斯

Dead or Alive 4生死格斗 4: | Dead or Alive Code: Cronus生死格斗:克罗诺斯: | Dead or Alive Online生死格斗网络版:

Melee Damage:格斗伤害,代表你在徒手和近战格斗时能对敌人造成的伤害

Carry Weight :负重,这个值越大,你能背负的东西越多. | Melee Damage :格斗伤害,代表你在徒手和近战格斗时能对敌人造成的伤害. | Damage Resistance :伤害抵抗,代表你被击中时可以减少的伤害.

[格斗类]痛快GANGAN进行曲:aodk MAME-CNP

★[格斗类]形意拳中文版 martmasc EKMAMElite | ★[格斗类]痛快GANGAN进行曲 aodk MAME-CNP | ★[格斗类]霸王忍法帖 ninjamas MAME-CNP