- 更多网络例句与株状的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
According to their individual shapes, they are Gram positive, catenulate rod-shaped bacteria that can produce elliptical endospore in the middle position. These characteristics are similar to Bacillus cereus' described in Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. And the colony States, physiological and biochemical characteristics of the two strains also accord with Bacillus cereus', which suggests that they might be identified as Bacillus cereus.
As a stock , a certain moonstone-bearing gabbro-diabase body in Guangxi has an area of about 0. 22km2 and a volume of 2,000.000m3 over local erosion base level, and consists of gabbro -diabase.
Gracilis FACHB-848, maybe this is due to the special characters of macronucleus in ciliates.
In the present study, the sporangia-formation-delayed mutant strain Rhizopus stolonifer F6 was used to obtain mycelium mattress by liquid culture.
本研究利用延缓孢子产生的突变Rhizopus stolonifer F6菌株,经液体培养基培养得到海绵状的菌丝垫。
This plant is bulbous .
Six thermophilic bacteria were isolated and purified from a hot spring in Chang-bai mountains,One of those morphology has been studied detailedly,it's growth course has been observed,we find it's morphology is very peculiar,at different growth phase,it's morphology changed very evidence,in the logarithmic growth phase,the cell is rod, majority cells are single existence,minority are geminous or a long discontinuous chain,in the middle growth phase,rod and globe are concomitant,in the late stationary growth phase, the cells change to globe.
Pylori, we mutated minD gene by insertional mutagenesis and knockout minE gene of H.
Moreover, the damage of ionic etching and phenomenonof dilapidating cell wall could be seen. When implanted dose increased continually, thedamage to cells became more and more serious. Biological characteristics of the original strain ANO_1 and the mutant strain ANO_2were researched. Colonies appeared after ANO_2 had been cultured on standard medium for35h and ANO_1 for 25h.
通过比较原菌株 ANO_1和变异菌株 ANO_2生长特性的研究发现:原始菌株 ANO_1和变异菌株 ANO_2同时接种单菌落于含有麸皮汁的平板培养基中,变异菌株 ANO_2在平板培养基上生长缓慢,35 h 才出现针尖状菌落,而原菌株 25 h 就出现了针尖状的菌落。
Through the comprehensive research of the typical igneous seismic profiles in Qiongdongnan basin, the stocks, laccoliths, sills and dikes were identified from other seismic characters, and their identification characters were also summarized.
The mutant has shorter internode than motherplant and lance-shaped leaves.All morphological characters and colour of flower of the mu-tant are not significantly different from mother plant.
- 更多网络解释与株状的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Lantana camara:五色梅
文章摘要:五色梅(Lantana camara)又名马缨丹=如意草,马鞭草科马缨丹属,直立或半藤本状灌木,全株具有一种特殊的气味. 株高1至2米,老枝黄褐色,分枝对生,茎枝无刺或有下弯的钩刺,叶对生,卵形或矩圆状卵形,先端渐尖,边缘有钝齿,上面粗糙而有短刺,
详见Nanotechnology 16, p.1192 (2005).包括草在内的许多植物都有管状的组织,这些管状物多半由细胞膜质纤维素(cellulose)和木质素(lignin)所组成,用来传输液体至整株植物.
荷包牡丹科(Fumariaceae, 即紫堇科)荷包牡丹属(Dicentra)几个种的通称. 多年生草本,株高30~60cm,具肉质根状茎. 全株有毒,能引起抽搐等神经症状,罂粟科(包括所有罂粟花)都有毒性. 荷包牡丹的传说:荷包牡丹可以称得上中国的玫瑰花,
9)变形菌属(Proteus) 该属菌呈直杆状,并随培养条件不同,可形成丝状、球杆状. 以周生鞭毛运动,能急速运动,在湿润的培养基表面上,大多数菌株有周期性的群游而产生的同心圆带,或扩展成均匀的菌膜. 该属菌为兼性厌氧,
成1~2mm厚的皮片,再用22号刀片将其解剖切割成包含1~2根头发的微株以及包含3~4根头发的小株,该皮肤能一次性提供600~900个微株,大约有2500~3000根头发. 秃发区用11号刀片做缝隙(slit)切开,深度在帽状腱膜浅层,两株间间隔0.5~1.Omm.
stumpy:多残株的, 株状的, 粗短的 矮胖者
alternating current cab signal code 机车信号交流电码 | stumpy 多残株的, 株状的, 粗短的 矮胖者 | cooling medium pump 冷却介质泵 输送冷却介质的泵
与以往的系统不同,本科包含原分立的浮萍科(Lemnaceae)植物,而菖蒲属则被分出另立菖蒲科(Acoraceae,菖蒲目)芋属(Colocasia) 直立草本,有肉质球茎或有一短而粗的根状茎;叶盾状,卵状心形;佛焰苞有粗柄,花单性同株,花序有附属物,
Nocardia asteroides:星状诺卡氏菌
本文以已知的星状诺卡氏菌(Nocardia asteroides)、紫红红球菌(Rhodococcus rhodochrous)和灰色链霉菌(Streptomyces griseus)标准菌株中提取的醌作为对照样品,用高效液相色谱法,分析测定9株诺卡氏菌型放线菌的甲基萘醌.结果表明,
stuart 史都华王朝的王族 | stubbed 多梗株的 | stubbedstumpy 株状的
香葱( 香葱(Chives) ) 香葱别名细香葱 为百合科葱属两年生 或多年生草水植物原产欧洲冷凉地区, 在北美,北欧等地均有野生种分布.一般 株高 30-40 厘米, 叶片圆形中空,青绿色, 有蜡粉,叶鞘白色,抱合成圆柱状的葱白,称为假茎.