英语人>词典>汉英 : 树蛙 的英文翻译,例句
树蛙 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
polypedatid  ·  Rosnicka

tree frog
更多网络例句与树蛙相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She'd just be like the tree frog. Come again?


This is a Cuban tree frog on a tree in my backyard in southern Florida.


These male grey tree frogs put plenty of wind and effort into attracting a partner, and with several hundred chorusing together around the pond, the noise can be earsplitting.


This is one of my new red eyed tree frogs.


It was great having these four-legged critters sharing space with us, but they naturally gravitated towards their masters bedroom.


But the two-toed tree toad tried in vain. He couldn't please her whim.


Tree frog Chiromantis samkosensis, found in Cambodia, has a number of unique characteristics that distinguishes it from other Asian Chiromantis species, including green blood and turquoise bones.

生存于柬埔寨的Chiromantis samkosensis树蛙,有一些独特的特点可以区别于亚洲的一些树蛙物种,例如,其有绿色的血液和绿松石骨头等。

Farmland green treefrog belonging to the family Rhacophoridae is endemic to Taiwan. The mating system of Rhacophorus arvalis is lek. From April 2003 to June 2004 at Yunling in central Taiwan, I investigated the lekking behavior and daily activity pattern, and analyzed the ecological factors on habitat to understand the lek preference in male frogs.


He was a two-toed tree toad but a three-toed toad was she.


From her tree toad bower with her three-toed power the she-toad vetoed him.


更多网络解释与树蛙相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


264 棕褶泛树蛙Polypedates feae | 265 洪佛泛树蛙Polypedates | 266 斑腿泛树蛙Polypedates

Polypedates megacephalus:白颌树蛙

莫氏树蛙 Rhacophorus moltrechti | 白颌树蛙 Polypedates megacephalus | 艾氏树蛙 Chirixalus effingeri

Polypedates dennysi:大泛树蛙

261 经甫泛树蛙 Polypedates chenfui | 262 大泛树蛙 Polypedates dennysi | 263 杜氏泛树蛙 Polypedates dugritei

Polypedates dugritei:杜氏泛树蛙

262 大泛树蛙 Polypedates dennysi | 263 杜氏泛树蛙 Polypedates dugritei | 264 棕褶泛树蛙 Polypedates feae

Polypedates chenfui:经甫泛树蛙

260 香港小树蛙 Philautus romeri | 261 经甫泛树蛙 Polypedates chenfui | 262 大泛树蛙 Polypedates dennysi

Polypedates chenfui:金甫树蛙

树蛙科rhacophordae 金秀小树蛙 philautus jinxiuensis | 金甫树蛙 polypedates chenfui | 大泛树娃 polypedates dennysi

Polypedates feae:棕褶泛树蛙

263 杜氏泛树蛙 Polypedates dugritei | 264 棕褶泛树蛙 Polypedates feae | 265 洪佛泛树蛙 Polypedates hungfuensis

Rhacophorus arvalis:民雄树蛙

272 昭觉泛树蛙 Polypedates zhaojuensis | 273 民雄树蛙 rhacophorus arvalis | 274 橙腹树蛙 rhacophorus aurantiventris

Buergeria robusta:壮溪树蛙

243 海南溪树蛙 Buergeria oxycephala | 244 壮溪树蛙 Buergeria robusta | 245 背条跳树蛙 Chirixalus doriae

Rhacophorus kio Ohler et Delorme:黑蹼树蛙

(142) 老山树蛙Rhacophorus laoshan Mo,Jiang,Xie et Ohler,2008 | (143) 黑蹼树蛙Rhacophorus kio Ohler et Delorme,2006 | (144) 红蹼树蛙Rhacophorus rhodopus Liu et Hu,1959