英语人>词典>汉英 : 树 的英文翻译,例句
树 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
arbor  ·  tree  ·  trees  ·  T  ·  arbors

更多网络例句与树相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And local distributors do a good job in a common brand,树形象, do a good job in each bag.


Dryad树妖 I''m not the Dryad you''re looking for.


From the point of view of geobotany, with the method of correlative factors of growth of plants, a countrywide theoretic ecological division was done for the introduction of Camptotheca acuminata and three kinds of areas of ecological preferent zone, ecological adaptive zone and ecological unadaptable zone were divided. With the theory of synecology, the characteristic on environment, constitution, life form spectrum, diversity, similarity of plots of communities were researched. Applying the method of species association, discrete distribution, indensity index, fractal geometry, etc. to research relations between the species of the communities, space distribution of Camptotheca acuminata, structure of age of Camptotheca acuminata, in different communities. Using the theories of autoecology, distibutons of seeds on land and growth of seedlings in vertical and horizontal directions, biomass of organ of Camptotheca acuminata were analyzed. On the opinions of conservation biology, the external and internal factors impressing Camptotheca acuminata were analyzed to research the mechanism of the endangered species, and with using of CTM Model, the future development direction of Camptotheca acuminata in different communities were forecasted, and. Standing on the position of resources ecology, discussing the regularity of camptothein in Camptotheca acuminata of different sites and seeding of different resources, also the the derive technics of camptothecin.


In accordance with the province of unified planning, the grantor must Kang栽树here, and grass.


Plant tall, thick trail of tea, fat shoots, leaf quality of soft, tender and strong hold, and dried mm long and dense, with natural fragrance, containing tea polyphenols, amino acids, is rich in pectin and other ingredients, natural growth of trees as high as 6 to 9 meters, semi-open树姿, than the thin branches.


I've ever heard of this from my teacher,quyuan:the bird bulid nest in 枳树 becauseof it's winding branch,a wind rose in cave because it's hollow.


Http://photos.gznet.com/photos/1077167/1077167-tAo5MLwz4G$PERvFtBjZSjnL7ejp4g .gif 幽影六腿马没有图图……幽影树怪图图: http://photos.gznet.com/photos/1077167/1077167-NP9r$hEBONk5R7szA8z$4plQkqeLkz .gif 新出现的译名 Ephemera 幽影生物 Dusk Beast 双头幽影兽 Ecalypse 幽影六腿马 Discorporate 不稳构造 Umbral Banyan 幽影树怪 Yank upward 猛扯上拉没想到幽影生物一个比一个弱智……——||)-- Griffons make their homes in high places,swooping down with a shrill,eaglelike cry to attack their prey.

伪装:因为当幽影怪休息时和一般的木无异,故必须要在它攻击之前通过一次成功的侦察技能检定(DC 25)来发现它的存在。

Sounds like John and 树庭 like "Sartain".

章& 听起来像 John,&庭听起来像Sartain。

Picea koraiensis树姿beautiful, relatively fast growth, anti-pollution ability, is to create a timber-producing forests and tree species四旁Green's fine.


PASSION Essential Oil: Sassafras 34、热情精油:檫树 Sassafras is often found in herbal teas and is a root used in making root beer.


更多网络解释与树相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


木长到让人担心的程度时,最好能请艺家(arborist)来解决问题. 专业的艺家会判断应该怎样修剪才能改进木的健康、美观和安全. 通常,领有执照的专业艺家不会钉鞋攀,免得伤害木,很多人拿这一点来作为初步判断艺家的水准,

Elm Burl:榆木树榴

榆木榴(Elm Burl)价格:榆木榴(Elm Burl)生产厂家:湖州市南浔耀凯木制品厂榆木榴(Elm Burl)品牌:榆木榴(Elm Burl)规格:免责声明:以上"榆木榴(Elm Burl)价格,报价,装饰板材生产厂家"信息由企业自行发布,

Catalpa ovata:{梓树}{锌树}{辛树}

Catalpa fargesii {灰楸} | Catalpa ovata {梓}{锌}{辛} | Catalpa sp {灰楸}

cotree:共轭树, 余树, 上树

cotransport | 协同运输 | cotree | 共轭, 余, 上 | Cotswold | 科茨沃尔德丘陵; 科茨沃尔德长毛绵羊

genealogical tree:系谱树,谱系树,家系

game-tree search 博弈搜索 | genealogical tree 系谱; 谱系; 家系 | generalized error-correcting tree automaton 广义的误差校正状自动机


hackamore /驯马用的一种笼头/ | hackberry /朴的一种/朴果/朴材/ | hacker /怪客/业余高段电脑使用者/恶作剧者/计算机窃贼/

Realtree Hardwood:标乔丹真树系列 - 真树硬木

274- 94圣诞系列 Christmas 94 | 451- 标乔丹真系列 - 真硬木 Realtree Hardwood | 452- 标乔丹真系列 - 灰真 Realtree Extra Grey

right subtree:右子树

通常节点的子被称作"左子"(left subtree)和"右子"(right subtree). 遍历是对的一种最基本的运算,所谓遍历二叉,就是按一定的规则和顺序走遍二叉的所有结点,使每一个结点都被访问一次,而且只被访问一次. 由于二叉是非线性结构,

Koelreuteria paniculata:栾树

我们为你提供桂林黑松供应价格的资讯信息, 栾(Koelreuteria paniculata)又称大夫、灯笼,为无患子科栾种. 栾为落叶乔木,形高大而端正,枝叶茂密而秀丽,春季红叶似醉,夏季黄花满,秋叶鲜黄,入秋丹果满,是极为美丽的行道观赏种.

The Tree of Life:生命之树

这两棵分别是"知识之"(The tree of knowledge)和"生命之"(The tree of life). 亚当夏娃偷吃了"知识之"的果实,所以人类拥有了智慧. 而另一棵被藏起来的是生命,于是人类就会衰老和死亡. 如果谁能找到这棵被藏起来的生命之,