英语人>词典>汉英 : 栎树 的英文翻译,例句
栎树 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
robur  ·  oaks

更多网络例句与栎树相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Bur oak:an oak tree of eastern North america, having pinnately lobed leaves, acorns enclosed within a deep fringed cup, and hard, durable wood."


At Thornfield, Jane was comfortable with life - what with the grand old house, its well-stocked and silent library, her private room, the garden with its many chestnut, oak and thorn trees, it was a veritable palace.


Around the nicest green meads, where the deer were playing in the grass, grew magnificent oaks and beeches; and if the bark of one of the trees was cracked, there grass and long creeping plants grew in the crevices.


SOD is a severe forest disease that has caused tens of thousands of widespread dieback of oaks and tanoaks, and infected numerous of other plants species in North America and Europe . Many countries give high attention such as Canada , Australia , New Zealand , members of Europe Union, South Korea, China and the United States , and take strict precaution and compulsive measures against its introduction and diffuse respectively.


Zhoukoudian Peking Man's homes in the vicinity, there are vast undulating plains and mountains, near the pine and cypress trees, there are tall birch, oak and hackberry trees.


The author offers numerous examples of mistakes he has discovered as evidence: green bean as mung bean, linden as pipal, date as jujube, oak as acorn tree, and more comical1y, killer whale as manslaugter whale, to name just a few examples of inaccurate translation.

举例来说,green bean是「四季豆」,但常被误解为「绿豆」:linden系「椴树」,但在台湾却被当作「菩提」; oak系「栎树」但被译成「橡树」,几使「栎树」真名不彰;olive与「中国橄榄」,date与「枣子」都是完全不同的植物,却因误译而被以为是相同的东西。

Large round-topped deciduous tree with spreading branches having narrow falcate leaves with deeply sinuate lobes and wood similar to that of northern red oaks; New Jersey to Illinois and southward.


This fungus is spread by Platypus quercivorus and easily infests the oak which grow relatively weak. Platypus quercivorus and oak fungus can be controlled by injuction of NCS into holes opened in oak.

由于该虫易侵入生长势相对较弱的栎类立木,通常危害木的树龄在 20 年以上,且以 40~50 年居多,通过钻孔注入适量的NCS等药剂后;用胶贴纸带包裹,可起到防治和杀灭栎长小蠹及&栎树菌&的目的。

Around the nicest green meads, where the deer were playing in the grass, grew magnificent oaks and beeches; and if the bark of one of the trees was cracked, there grass and long creeping plants grew in the crevices.


Present research thinks that its death is directly caused by a fungus ,which is called oak fungus.


更多网络解释与栎树相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Quercus acuta Thunb.;Japanese evergreen oak:林栎;血槠

槲皮 quercitrin | 林栎;血槠 Quercus acuta Thunb.;Japanese evergreen oak | 麻栎;青刚; 橡树; 栎树 Quercus acutissima Carr; low-level oak

oak tree:栎树;槲树;橡树

O fibers 合格纤维 | oak tree 栎树;槲树;橡树 | object micrometer 物镜测微尺


装饰纸的图案主要有人造木纹和人造石材(大理石). 木纹的图案主要有:胡桃木(w a lnu t)、栎树(oak)、梨树(p ea r)、樱桃树(ch e rry)、松树(p in e)和欧石南(b r ie r)等.


robotry 机器人状态 | robur 栎树 | roburite 罗必赖特


quercetin 橡黄素 | quercine 栎树的 | quercitrin 栎素

oak forest:栎树橡木林

o antigen polysaccharide o 抗原多糖 | oak forest 栎树橡木林 | oak grove 栎树橡木林

laurel oak (Quercus laurifolia Michx:月桂叶栎树

lathe work (钞票纸或证券纸的)彩纹 | laurel oak (Quercus laurifolia Michx.) 月桂叶栎树 | laurel willow (Salix pentandra L.) 五蕊柳

laurel oak (Quercus laurifolia Michx:月柱叶栎树

月柱叶栎树 Laurel-oak (Quercus laurifolia, Michx.) | 月桂油 Laurel-oil | 月桂油 Laurine

Oak bark:栎树皮

栎树皮 Oak bark | 栎树剥皮林 Oak coppice-wood | 栎树剥皮林 Oak-bark coppice

Quercus variabilis Bl;Chinese cork oak:栓皮栎;软木栎;粗皮栎;白麻栎

栓皮栎 Quercus suber L.;Cork oak | 栓皮栎;软木栎;粗皮栎;白麻栎; Quercus variabilis Bl;Chinese cork oak | 栎树属(壳斗科) Quercus;oak