英语人>词典>汉英 : 栅栏状 的英文翻译,例句
栅栏状 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The results showed that the main difference between two types of pea occurred in endocarp and the parchment formed at early development stage of pod.


There are some nuclear palisading, feathering in the edges.


The three species shared a few common features in the palisade-like epithelial cells, vascular supplies, and nectary openings. However, they showed some differences in longitudinal section and transectinal outline.


In an organ culture system under a three-dimensional microenvironment that provides the conditions needed for odontoblast differentiation, a row of odontoblasts can be induced Kikuchi et al.


Pathologically, it showed palisaded granulomas containing degenerated collagen, predominantly lymphohistiocytic infiltration with scattered eosinophils leading to dermal fibrosis.


At 13 DAF, the elongating cells had differentiated to form sclerenchyma membrane.


The cells at the edge of the basaloid islands tended to show palisading arrangement. Squamous epithelium on the surface of tumor often accompanied with carcinoma in situ or superficial invasive squamous cell carcinoma. Occasionally cancer nets were connected with basement layer of squamous epithelium laying in the surface, and rare squamous cells or glandlike structures were seen in the cancer nests.


SCs divided and proliferated in three-dimensional fashion, demonstrating long olivary, triangular or long fusiform shape with obvious prominence. Furthermore, The SCs connected end-to-end with each other or aligned in clusters and the protein granules secreted on cellular surface were also showed.


Note the more cellular "Antoni A" pattern on the left with palisading nuclei surrounding pink areas.


Antoni type A areas consist of compact spindle-shaped cells with twisted nuclei and indistinct cytoplasmic borders. They are arranged in interlacing fascicles with nuclear palisading, whirling, and Verocay bodies.

Antoni A型区的细胞呈梭形,胞核扭曲,胞质边界模糊,细胞排列为呈束状交错或旋涡状,胞核呈栅栏状,有Verocay小体。

更多网络解释与栅栏状相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Random bars horizontal:随机的水平栅栏

20 Strips right up 右上条状 | 21 Random bars horizontal 随机的水平栅栏 | 22 Random bars vertical 随机的垂直栅栏


1.成牙本质细胞(odontoblast) 位于牙髓周围,呈柱状紧接前期牙本质排列的一层,是呈极性分布的终末分化细胞. 其细胞顶端有一细长的突起伸入牙本质小管内,因此成牙本质细胞层实际上是由成牙本质细胞的胞体构成. 成牙本质细胞排列成栅栏状,

arm palisade cell:分枝栅栏细胞

ardella 坐状子囊盘,星斑盘 | arm palisade cell 分枝栅栏细胞 | arm ratio (染色体)臂长比

palisade parenchyma:柱状薄壁组织

palisade induction 栅栏诱导 | palisade parenchyma 柱状薄壁组织 | palisade tissue 柱状薄壁组织

palisade induction:栅栏诱导

palisade cell 栅栏细胞 | palisade induction 栅栏诱导 | palisade parenchyma 柱状薄壁组织


(1)花萼花萼是由若干萼片(sepal)组成,包被在花的最外层. 普通萼片多为绿色的叶状体,在结构上类似叶,有丰富的绿色薄壁细胞,但无栅栏、海绵组织的分化. 有的植物花萼大而具色彩,呈花瓣状,有利于昆虫的传粉,如飞燕草. 棉的花朵除花萼外,


arcus hyoideus 舌弓 | ardella 坐状子囊盘,星斑盘 | arm palisade cell 分枝栅栏细胞

Festuca arundinacea:苇状羊茅

种间叶片长、叶片宽长比、叶片厚度、气孔密度、栅栏组织厚度、海绵组织厚度、叶片组织结构紧密度、疏松度和叶脉突起度等......选择白三叶(Trifolium repens)、紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)、苇状羊茅(Festuca arundinacea)和鸭茅(Dactylis glomerata),

gummatous ulcer:树胶肿性溃疡

栅栏状 palisade | 树胶肿性溃疡 gummatous ulcer | 砂样瘤 psammoma


▲栅锈菌科(Melampsoraceae):冬孢子无柄,聚生于寄主体内,以栅栏状结合成一层或多层,生于表皮下,或纵横排列成柱状. 与农作物病害关系较大的有栅锈菌属(Melampsora)和层锈菌属(Phakopsora),另有许多种类寄生在松柏植物上.