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查考 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
delve  ·  delved  ·  delves  ·  delving

do research on · try to ascertain
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After more than a hundred years most of the details are irrecoverable, lost beyond all recall, but it isn't hard to image what must have happened.


On these and many other issues related to authority and ecclesiology, the way forward is not to smudge over deep differences that remain between the two traditions but to acknowledge them openly and to continue to struggle over them together in prayer and in fresh engagement with the Scriptures.


Menu, according to Hindoo mythology, is an emanation from the supreme God; but the compilation which bears his name, though its exact date is not easily discovered, is, in point of the relative progress of Hindoo jurisprudence, a recent production.


If they had honestly searched the Scriptures, bringing their theories to the test of God's word, Jesus need not have wept over their impenitence. He need not have declared,"Behold, your house is left unto you desolate."


Of Israel, but he did not object to the use of a plumb line which distinguished the righteous from

查考阿摩司书7:1-9 的异象,在这里,阿摩司求告上帝不要毁坏所有的以色列民,但他

The contrast between the disciples of the gospel and the upholders of popish superstition was no less manifest in the ranks of scholars than among the common people.


One day I looked up the meaning of prodigal and found that it means "lavish" or "extravagant."


In1988,Thurman and Fisher uses this idea to test whether chickens or eggs come first.


Most men, I well know, who have enshrined in literature and history the lives of Marcus and Verus, have made Verus known to their readers first, following the order, not of their reigns, but of their lives.


Archives is the delve proof school that the school works each the leader of departmental door and business working personnel, when problem of case of experience of be in the push, summary, lay a course, research, processing, remember cannot purely by the individual only, often need delve...


更多网络解释与查考相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Christmas Eve:平安夜

大多以12月25日为诞生日,12月24日则为平安夜(Christmas Eve). 这节期在第四世纪以前并没有,可见初期的教会并不过这样的节期. 而且刚开始时有许多不同的日期,有1月2日、4月18日、4月19日、5月20日、和今天全球一致的12月25日. 查考圣经,


对于心因性病症的治疗,采用催眠分析(Hypnoanalysis)的方式,找出造成个案病症反应的最初起因,进而让个案对此初始事件重新认知,因而达到病症的治愈. 早期的实验者,例如梅斯麦(Mesmer)及查考特(Charcot)观念的误谬,


根据亨利.窝斯(Henry Wace)和威廉.皮尔斯(William Piercy)的查考,伯拉纠应是爱尔兰人 (Irishman),但奥古斯丁则称伯拉纠是英国人. 伯拉纠大约生于三七○年,他的品格高尚,为同时代的人所称许;奥古斯丁敬佩他,说他是圣洁的和正直的基督徒.

justice of the peace:治安法官

有一则故事,说的是伏蒙特州的一名治安法官(justice of the peace),一位农人向他状告有人打破了他的奶桶. 该法官沉思有顷,然后说道,经查考立法,没有找到任何有关奶桶的规定,遂判被告胜诉. 同样的心态,在我们所有的法案汇编和教科书中亦均表露无遗.


1886年,年轻的母亲凯瑟琳(Katharine)去世不到一月,她刚满月的孩子哈罗德(Harold)不幸夭折. 至于这对母子是哪国人,何时来汉,何故死亡,则无从查考.

second largest:第二大

search...for 在(某处)寻找,搜寻 | second largest 第二大 | see about 负责处理, 注意, 查看,过问, 查考


有很多身体的毛病,记念她有学习的能力;潘姑娘每周与琴一同查考圣经,求主赐她有智慧帮助琴的灵命成长. 犹太基督徒朋友萝莉(Laurie)仍在学习驾驶,她多次考取驾驶执照,都不合格,使她对再要考试失去信心,记念她懂得多倚靠和交托神祷告.


根据1933年出版的牛津英语字典注明,英语单词当中"领导者"(Leader)一词最早在1300年才出现,而"领导"(Leadship)一字直至1800年尚未见到. 我国"领导"一词何时出现,迄今未可查考. 领导与管理二者比较而言,要算"管理"历史更长.

on loan:出借

4. stack n. [常用复数]许多书架, 书库 | 6. on loan 出借 | 7. consult vt. 翻阅,查考

liquid full try cock:液位检查考克(旋塞)

liquid fuel motor ==> 液体燃料发动机 | liquid full try cock ==> 液位检查考克(旋塞) | liquid fuse ==> 液体保险丝,液体熔丝,液体熄弧保安器,充油保险丝