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查字典 的英文翻译、例句


consult a dictionary · refer to a dictionary · search through a dictionary
更多网络例句与查字典相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you have no idea about it, consult a dictionary, please.


If you don't know what it means,refer to the dictionary.


I used to avoid poetry until an e-pal told me I should recite poems and not to look up the meaning of the words.


Soon after the school began, I found an English book about film directors in the school library.


If you do not understand the word,you can look for it in a glossary .


Haw-haw , dictionary lookup Oh , our have checked the full 2 day ...


Look sth up in a dictionary etc.


In the article some of word i do not what the mean and what accent.that is moggie and Vallejo.i check the dictouray but i do not find.


Part of the self-torture that students inflict upon themselves results from misconceptions formed along the way.


After decades of warnings by environmentalists, the scientific and political establishments of most countries had finally cottoned on.

查字典查不到这个,但是你如果在google中搜查,你可以看见seismic shift被用来形容巨大地变化,可以是态度,也可以是世态)。

更多网络解释与查字典相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

look sth. up:查字典

look to sb for sth依赖 | look sth up 查字典 | look up to sb 尊敬

look sth. up in the dictionary:查字典

305 look out of the window 看窗外 | 306 look sth. up in the dictionary 查字典 | 307 look through 检查

look sth. up in the dictionary:如查字典用

14.Look up 查找还有了解,向上看 | 如查字典用look sth up in the dictionary | 15.look for 强调找的动作

look up sth. in the dictionary:查字典

39.look up at sth 抬头看 | 40.look up sth in the dictionary 查字典 | 41.an entrance to sth ...入口处

are meant:想是"意味着",结果查字典才知是"必须

4 Rules are meant to be followed, not broken. 规则制订出来是让人遵守,而不... | are meant 想是"意味着",结果查字典才知是"必须" | 5 You can't afford to ignore the profession's code of conduct. 你不能无视行...

come off pace:查字典

23 keep on a rein 保持对..的控制 | 24 come off pace查字典 | 25 an array of 查字典

Sergeant sodomy:鸡奸军士. 想知道第二个词具体的意思,建议查英英字典

12.Let's rotate. 我们轮流工作. | 13.Sergeant sodomy. 鸡奸军士. 想知道第二个词具体的意思,建议查英英字典. | 14.How come fusilli over here ain't grabbing a shovel? 铁锹.


cognac 法国白兰地 | sorrel 酸模(从字典上查的) | sage 鼠尾草

consulted the dictionary:查字典

☆old news a good piece of news 不说good news | ☆consulted the dictionary 查字典 | ☆advice 不可数 a good piece of advice

des framboises:(有没人说下这是什么?形状很像草莓的,我查字典也是草莓的? )

un melon d'eau西瓜 | des framboises (有没人说下这是什么?形状很像草莓的,我查字典也是草莓的? ) | des fraises草莓