英语人>词典>汉英 : 染色中心 的英文翻译,例句
染色中心 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与染色中心相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results indicated that chromosome counting was the most reliable and precise method, however, it was cumbersome and required skilled cytological techniques; The chromocenter size, heterochromatin number, chroloplast number of guard cell and certain plant morphological characteristics are simple and practical methods for ploidydetermination but with some shortages.


The results indicated that there was a evident correlationship between chromocenter diameter,heterochromatin number and plant ploidy level.The chromocenter diameter and heterochromatin number of haploid and double haploid are 5.1,5.0 μm and 13.3,11.9 μm respectively.

研究发现,黄瓜染色中心直径和异染色质数目与植株倍性呈正相关,可作为黄瓜倍性鉴定的间接指标,其中单倍体染色中心直径平均为5 1μm,双单倍体为13 3μm,单倍体异染色质数目平均5 0,双单倍体为11 9。

The results also indicated that there was a evident correlationship between chromocenter diameter, heterochromatin number and the plant ploidy level. The chromocenter diameter and heterochromatin number of haploid and double haploid are 5.1um, 5.2 and 13.3um, 10.7, respectively.2. Ploidy Determination in CucumberCucwm/5 sativus L.


In human spermatozoa, the positive immunofluorescent staining of centrin protein was seen to be located in the basal body of flagellum and clearly in proximal and distal centrioles.


For garment dye, send a half-cut garment from each dye-lot ,or a swatch from the garment at least 6"x9" to the express color center for approval.


After the EPS was implanted in each condyles of femur, sheep were given 3 months' breeding. Microtome sections were made, stained with gufen and ponceau, and then histological observation was made by microscope.

结果 片经骨粉染色和丽春红三色染色,见新生骨小梁长入膨胀后的螺钉缝隙中,并与EPS周围的骨小梁相延续、延伸至膨胀中心。

The central part was composed of hypertrophic chondrocytes, for which the number increased with time. The cartilaginous tissue at the time of 2 weeks' cultivation appeared strongly positive staining of collagen type Ⅱ immunohistochemistry and safranine "O", as well as strongly metachromatic to toluidine blue.


Heterochromatic areas tend to stain intensely during interphase, sometimes forming condensed masses called chromocentres


The central part was composed of hypertrophic chondrocytes, for which the number increased with time. The cartilaginous tissue at the time of 2 weeks' cultivation appeared strongly positive staining of collagen type Ⅱ immunohistochemistry and safranine "O", as well as strongly metachromatic to toluidine blue.


The Director of UNSW's Cancer Research Centre, Professor Philip Hogg, is internationally recognised for developing a dye which fastens onto dead or dying cancer cells and reveals whether cancer treatments are working just days into the course.


更多网络解释与染色中心相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

euchromosome; autosome:普通染色質

真染色质中心 euchromocenter | 普通染色质 euchromosome; autosome | 真纤毛亚纲 EUCILIATA


5.中心粒(centriole)这种细胞器的位置是固定的,具有极性的结构. 在间期细胞中,经固定、染色后所显示的中心粒仅仅是1或2个小颗粒. 而在电子显微镜下观察,中心粒是一个柱状体,长度约为0.3μm~0.5μm,直径约为0.15μm,它是由9组小管状的亚单位组成的,


在中心粒团的外面还有一圈染色较深的区域,合起来称为中心球(centrosphere). 成对的中心粒及其所附属的中心球统称中心体(centrosome) 至于那些染色较深的区域,一般认为是一些蛋白质组成的微丝、微管组成.




chromoblast 成色素细胞 | chromocenter,chromocentre 染色中心 | chromocyte 色素细胞

color card:染色样本

color breakup 色乱 | color card 染色样本 | color center 色中心

germinal center:生发中心

淋巴小结受到抗原刺激后增大,并产生发中心(germinal center). 无生发中心的淋巴小结较小,称初级淋巴小结,在HE染色的标本中难以辨认;有生发中心的称次级淋巴小结. 生发中心分为深部的暗区(dark zone)和浅部的明区(light zone).

central pallor:中心染色过浅

central pain 中枢性疼痛 | central pallor 中心染色过浅 | central paralysis 中枢性麻痹,中枢性瘫痪



chromocratic:暗色的, 黑色的

chromocentre | 染色中心染色质核仁,核粒 | chromocratic | 暗色的, 黑色的 | chromocyte | 色素细胞