英语人>词典>汉英 : 枢接 的英文翻译,例句
枢接 的英文翻译、例句


pin joint
更多网络例句与枢接相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These loops are adapted to interleaf and receive a pintle which forms the seam forming the fabric endless.


The second unit is pivot joint with the first unit, and has multi second transistor holding part and an evacuating piping.


Recoil spring and cylinder adjuster is mounted at the undercarriage. The rear end of undercarriage frame is supported on the pivot. The front end is articulated with the equalizer bar.


Selected wall panel sections (12) are connected by hinges (18) to selected floor panel sections (15) such that they may be raised pivotally one after the other from a stacked overlying position to their operative standing positions.


The traction arm includes: a first supporting plate slidably connected to a beam of the bench; a second supporting plate pivotally connected to the first plate for the rotation of the base about a first axis that is substantially horizontal and substantiallty at right angles to the front plane of the first plate for appllying the base to the repair bench; a third supporting plate pivotally connected to the second plate for the rotation of the base about a second axis that is substantially at right angles to the first axis; and pivoting elements for the rotation of the base about a third axis that is substantially at right angles to the second axis.


The first, a narrow layer of storage space which runs along the north wall is articulated as a smooth plane of wood.


更多网络解释与枢接相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adapter bearing:带固接套的FAG进口轴承

end journal bearing端枢轴承 | 1. adapter bearing带固接套的FAG进口轴承 | 2. adjustable bearing可调的进口轴承轴承

articulating region:發聲區

articulated | 铰接(的), 枢接(的), 有关节的 | articulating region | 发声区 | articulation efficiency | 清晰效率

pivot bearing:枢轴承

297 斑蚀,孔蚀 pitting | 298 枢轴承 pivot bearing | 299 平面嵌接 plane scarf

national income statistics:国民收入统计

prison psychosis 监狱精神病 | national income statistics 国民收入统计 | pivoted nose 枢接头部

pivot joint:枢接,枢轴活接头

pivot hinge 枢铰,尖轴铰链,轴头式铰链,旋转铰链 | pivot joint 枢接,枢轴活接头 | pivot journal 枢轴颈

pat tern:样式;模式

暂时接合 te mporary joint | 样式;模式 pat tern | 枢接结构 pi n-jointed structure

hinging mechanism:铰接机构,门枢机构

door opening 舱门口 | hinging mechanism 铰接机构,门枢机构 | controlling mechanism 操纵机构,控制机

pivoted nose:枢接头部

ogival nose 卵形头部 | pivoted nose 枢接头部 | pointed nose 尖头

pivoted shoe:活动支承块绕枢轴转动的推力块

pivoted shoe 活动支承块 | pivoted shoe 活动支承块绕枢轴转动的推力块 | pivoted towing link 铰接拖曳联杆

pin jack:接触插孔,针形插孔,管脚插孔

pin insulator for telephone line ==> 电话线路针式绝缘子 | pin jack ==> 接触插孔,针形插孔,管脚插孔 | pin joint ==> 铰接,铰节,销接,枢接,枢接