英语人>词典>汉英 : 果核酒 的英文翻译,例句
果核酒 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与果核酒相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

BOLS Amaretto is essential for classic drinks such as the Amaretto Sour ,and also for more modern drinks like the Toasted Almond. Sloe Comfortable Screw Up Against the Wall with a kiaa.and the Amaretto Colada.


Stone can be cured beriberi, roots can be hemostasia qi; bark curesbruises, swelling and pain.


Pawpaw fruit was produced into pawpaw wine through the following techniques: selection,cleaning,coring,grinding,juice squeezing,components adjustment,fermentation,clarification,aging,marc steeping,blending,filtration,and bottle filling.


According to different practices, a series of lychee wines with different taste and style are brewed , such as DANLI Ice Wine, Fresh Wine, Dry White, Whis Strong Wine and Brandy; they contain 17 types of amino acid and diversified minerals which are necessary for human body.

&丹荔 DANLI &荔枝酒采用千年母树品种&仙婆果&荔枝,在太阳出来之前采摘荔枝,并在2小时内送到工厂清洗、杀菌,冷处理后去皮、去核榨汁,依据不同的工艺,酿造出丹荔冰酒、鲜酒、干白、威士烈酒、白兰地等不同口感、不同风格的系列荔枝酒,含有人体所需的17种氨基酸和多种矿物质,既有高雅的品位,又有广东荔枝独特风格及千年荔枝文化内涵。

更多网络解释与果核酒相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


代表的品牌有荷兰产的皮萨.加尔达(Pisang Garoede)杏仁利口酒(Liqueurs d'amandes):酒液绛红发黑,果香突出,口味甘美,以法国、意大利的产品最好,如意大利的芳津杏仁(Amaretto),法国的果核酒(Creme de Noyaux)都是著名的杏仁利口酒.


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noyau:果仁酒, 果核酒

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