英语人>词典>汉英 : 林务局 的英文翻译,例句
林务局 的英文翻译、例句


Forest Service
更多网络例句与林务局相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Figure 76. In the early 1970s,R.Burton Litton (Figure 77 left) of the University of California and Edward Stone (Figure 77 right) of the United States Forest Service responded to an important new American law, the National Environmental Policy Act.

。 在1970年代初期,河伯顿烈(图77左)在美国加州大学和爱德华斯通(图77右),美国林务局回答了一个重要的新的美国法律,国家环境政策法案。

I went to the US Forest Service office.


Today, more than two hundred seventy men and women are smokejumpers for the Forest Service.

今天,美国林务局跳伞灭火员有 270 多位男性和女性。

I liked working for the US Forest Service, but when I came to the point I hated my boss and my assigned duties, I had to make a change.


These bridges were refitted by the US Forest Service to make them safe for biking and walking.


Sweden's moose and roe deer populations should be halved to reduce costs linked to road accidents and damage to growing forest due to the animals, the Swedish Forest Administration said .


To prevent the risk of fire, only generators with a USDA Forest Service approved spark arrester muffler are allowed on federal land.


Based on the information made available to me, the Forestry Bureau staff had cut the tree into pieces and removed of them, which was in village boundaries.


To learn more about unplugging and playing in the nearly 200 million acres the US Forest Service manages, click on www.fs.fed.us.


With wildfire prevention in mind, DraftFCB tapped Director Jason Zada of Tool of North America and visual effects company Ntropic to create a new PSA called "Bonfire" on behalf of the Ad Council, the US Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters.


更多网络解释与林务局相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

USDA Forest Service:美国农业部林务局

US Geological Survey 美国地质调查局 | USDA Forest Service 美国农业部林务局 | Weyerhaeuser 惠好公司

U.S. Forest Service:美国林务局

U.S. Forest Products Laboratory 美国森林产品实验所 | U.S. Forest Service 美国林务局 | U.S. gallon 美制加仑

Forestry Bureau:行政院农业委员会林务局

行政院农业委员会林务局 Forestry Bureau | 花莲林区管理处 HuaLien Forest District Office, Forestry Bureau | 处长室 Director Office

Formosan sambar:水鹿

台湾水鹿(Formosan sambar)是台湾最大型的草食性动物,是群居性动物,目前仅剩海拔1,500公尺以上之原始森林中有分布,目前在花东高山地区仍有少数稳定族群,在林务局委托台湾大学的研究中指出,在高山上生活的水鹿对土壤中的矿物盐摄取十分重视,

Hemidactylus frenatus:蝎虎

是日本树蛙, 另外24&40以铅山壁虎最有可能, 因位小弟去年因执行林务局的案子去晃了2次, 知道那铅山壁虎 极多, 当然疣尾蜥虎(蝎虎)(Hemidactylus frenatus)亦不排除, 只是机会较小, 贴张去年拍的(Slide)....是日本树蛙, 另外24&40以铅山壁虎最有可能,