英语人>词典>汉英 : 极好地 的英文翻译,例句
极好地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
admirably  ·  excellently  ·  famously  ·  magnificently  ·  rippingly  ·  smashingly  ·  stunningly

更多网络例句与极好地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

House into the shell of Giles Gilbert Scott's heroic Bankside Power Station, the Tate Gallery has a new home for part of its collection that will act as an exciting stimulus for artistic creativity and urban revitalization.


Since we adopt Newton interpolation of difference quotient from the discrete data pool of unequal distance node among the scaled temperature (20℃, 1000℃), aluminum purity and aluminum density, it can greatly be approached.

我们从刻画的温度( 2 0℃、1 0 0 0℃)、铝纯度与铝密度间不等距结点的离散数据集中、采用了Newton差商插值、能极好地加以逼近、从而建立了高精度的四阶非线性数学表达式、由此从该模型中给出了 2 0℃时的高纯度铝( 99 999%~ 99.99999%)的密度值,其结果令人满意。

Xinjiang Hops in the world to have an excellent reputation.


The SSD of ossicles showed the malleus, incus, stapes, malleoincudial joint, and incuostapedial joint clearly.

结果 高分辨率CT清晰地显示了耳部微小病灶,明确了病变范围与周围结构的关系,听小骨的SSD对锤骨、砧骨、橙骨、锤砧关节、砧镫关节的显示有着极高的逼真性,颞骨矢状斜位极好地显示了面神经的破坏部位,为临床制定手术方案提供了有力的影像学依据。

He was so proud of his entry-- a wild combination of carvings, paint and feathers he had constructed all by himself with his own kindergartner's sense of art.


The "twig" is a stick insect, a magnificent specimen of the Phasmatodea clan, its outer sheath a persuasive rendering of striated bark, its tubular body and head punctuated by fake axillary buds and leaf scars—the little knobs and notches that make a twig look twiggy.


This product contains high quality superfine Pueraria Lobata extract and other natural herbage extracts, which will admirably improve women's breast standing and enhancement.


The "twig" is a stick insect, a magnificent specimen of the Phasmatodea clan, its outer sheath a persuasive rendering of striated bark, its tubular body and head punctuated by fake axillary buds and leaf scars—the little knobs and notches that make a twig look twiggy.


The Macau Museum, which opened two years ago, offers an excellent introduction to the peni ula's5 past and present.


Away from the war zone—despite a history of pogroms and other discrimination against the minority group—they seem to rub along reasonably well.


更多网络解释与极好地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


admirable 令人倾佩的 | admirably 极好地 | admiral of the red 醉汉

capitally:极好地; 极妙地 (副)

capitalizer 可作资本; 资本化 (名) | capitally 极好地; 极妙地 (副) | capitate 头状的; 锤形的; 头状花序的 (形)

eminently:突出地; 极好地 (副)

eminent domain 征用权; 支配权 | eminently 突出地; 极好地 (副) | emir 酋长, 王侯 (名)

excellently:优异地, 极好地 (副)

excellent 优良的, 出色的, 杰出的 (形) | excellently 优异地, 极好地 (副) | excelsior 细刨花 (名)

famously:著名地; 极好地 (副)

famous 出名的, 极好的 (形) | famously 著名地; 极好地 (副) | fan club 爱好者指球迷影迷歌迷等俱乐部

snugly:舒适地, 整洁干净地, 情况极好地

filmy薄皮的, 像软片的, 薄的 | snugly舒适地, 整洁干净地, 情况极好地 | elongate伸长,长形的延长, 伸延

splendidly:壮丽地, 豪华地; 极好地, 了不起地 (副)

splendid 光亮的, 了不起的 (形) | splendidly 壮丽地, 豪华地; 极好地, 了不起地 (副) | splendiferous 了不起的; 豪华的; 绝妙的 (形)


superblock /大街区/ | superbly /极好地/堂皇地/华丽地/ | superbolide /超火流星/

superbly:庄重地; 极好地; 华美地; 上等地 (副)

superannuated 领退休金退休的; 废弃的; 落伍的 (形) | superbly 庄重地; 极好地; 华美地; 上等地 (副) | supercargo 货物管理员 (名)


wonder-struck /惊讶不已的/ | wonderfully /惊人地/极好地/ | wonderfulness /极好/