英语人>词典>汉英 : 松掉 的英文翻译,例句
松掉 的英文翻译、例句


come loose
更多网络例句与松掉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But one morning, when mother was washing the sweet potatoes, she lost the hold of the basket carelessly, and the basket sunk in the ice hole. Mother's face also fell down to be like a piece of ice with complex expression, like the heavy frost layer covering the kaleyard after the house.


But one morning, when mother was washing the sweet potatoes, she lost the hold of the basket carelessly, and the basket sunk in the ice hole. Mother's face also fell down to be like a piece of ice with complex expression_r_r_r_r_r_r_r_r, like the heavy frost layer covering the kaleyard after the house.


Dusty cleared the rise in an awkward leap. Jack started to slip out of the saddle. He let go of the reins and tried to hold on to the saddle horn, but his weight pulled him down. He closed his eyes as he fell to the ground.


But these are not analogous to what happens when man ages A run-down watch is still a watch and can be rewound.


A run-down watch is still a watch and can be rewound.


But think this also is in carefully we are expected, because my province is in " can squeeze forcedly forcedly go up, unlay can be dropped come " crucial period, every Anhui person should give counsel to promote a province to govern a province, display on oneself a wisdom.


It is a one - day clock ; the spring winds down in 2 4 hours .


It's a one- ay clock;the spring winds down in 24 hours.


The proper clearance setting should be at 0.04-0.1mm. The adjustment is achieved by loosening the locknut (fig.2) and turning the adjusting screw. Tighten the locknut after the adjustment is achieved. Alter the initial 1 hour adjustment, this procedure should be performed a few every 2 hours of use.


The proper clearance setting should be at 0.04-0.1mm. The adjustmentscrew. Tighten the locknut after the adjustment is achieved. Alter theinitial 1 hour adjustment, this procedure should be performed a fewevery 2 hours of use.


更多网络解释与松掉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

break loose from:从.......逃出

get loose 松掉 | break loose from..... 从.......逃出 | take the end-of-term exam 期末考试

come into:进入

come into vogue 流行起来 | come into 进入 | come loose 松掉

preserved egg:皮蛋

松花蛋又名皮蛋(Preserved egg). 当你敲掉松花蛋外头的那层泥,剥开蛋壳,就露出了一层青褐色、半透明的蛋白. 再仔细瞧瞧,蛋白中还嵌一朵朵漂亮的松叶状结晶花纹,人们称之为松花. 松花蛋也因而得名. 可是,松花蛋上的松花是从哪里来的呢?

Forget Pickens:看来皮肯斯是无辜的

The belt wasn't loose enough to yank the girl out.|带子不够松 拉不下女孩的 | Forget Pickens.|看来皮肯斯是无辜的 | The only person who could've done it, then|现在仅有的能做到让 女孩掉下水的...





work off steam:努力工作

work loose 松掉 | work off steam 努力工作 | work off 渐渐地清除

come near doing:几乎

come loose 松掉 | come near doing 几乎 | come near to 接近

a loose lightbulb:一个松掉的电灯泡

We are very much like 我们非常像 | a loose lightbulb. 一个松掉的电灯泡, | Sometimes we may not shine so bright. 有时候我们可能不十分明亮,