英语人>词典>汉英 : 松懈地 的英文翻译,例句
松懈地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Because it is so subtly woven through many of the popular books of Adventism, it has produced an almost permissive slackness concerning the practice of sin.


The Ledger, always cynically 愤世嫉俗地 intolerant 不能容忍的 of any effort to better 情况好转的 the city government, as savoring 品尝 of "goo-gooism," which was its special bete noire 为人所讨厌的人或物, could not well make the shooting a basis for a general attack upon police laxity 懒散, though it was in this that lay the special news possibility of the event.


The lad was named Claud. He told himself that he absolutely couldn't give up, if he relaxed his will to fight, even in the slightest degree, the smart wolves would crouch and kill him: in fact a wolf was enough, only sprung from his back or side, bit into his shin!


A gentle failure of the perceptions comes creeping over one:--the sprit of consciousnes disengages itself more and more ,with slow and hushing degress like a mother detaching her hand from that of her sleeping child,--the mind seems to have a balmy lid closing over it ,like the eye,it is closing,it is more closing,it is closed.


Also test out the cet-4 and a computer certificate.in terms of ideology, i do not have slack.past the party school of the intermediate and advanced training, and had the honor to join the party as an active molecule.


Any slackness in prayer could only mean that we had stupidly imperilled ourselves.


With unwearied diligence, his eyes pursued the object till it gradually disappeared.


With unwinking eyes he sat motionless as a picture on a canvas.


Tesla pinioned her arms and threw her roughly against the aft bulkhead; he was pleased to see some of the fight go out of her.


更多网络解释与松懈地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

E equanimity:平静、镇定:心态平静,胜不骄败不馁

D dread 恐惧:"如果你松懈了,就可能被人超越",这种发自内心的恐惧深深地影响着小烈 | E equanimity 平静、镇定:心态平静,胜不骄败不馁 | F friendship 友谊:和每个赛手一样,在小烈和音速号之间也建立着不可分割的友谊

intelligence bureau:情报局

"1984年甘地夫人遇刺身亡,就跟"印度情报局"(Intelligence Bureau)高级官员玩忽职守和监督松懈有关,卡奥对此一直耿耿於怀. 拉曼用了很多篇幅,说明1980年代R&AW在反间谍工作方面的弱点. 法国情报机构渗入了印度总理办公室,


laxly 松懈地 | laxness 腹泻 | lay a course 制订计划

laxness:腹泻; 弛缓 (名)

laxity 松弛; 松动; 散漫, 放纵; 泻肚 (名) | laxly 松懈地; 散漫地; 缓慢地 (副) | laxness 腹泻; 弛缓 (名)

sagely:贤能地; 贤明地 (副)

sagebrush 蒿属植物 (名) | sagely 贤能地; 贤明地 (副) | saggy 松懈的, 下垂的 (形)


laxity 松驰 | laxly 松懈地 | laxness 腹泻

laxly:松懈地; 散漫地; 缓慢地 (副)

laxity 松弛; 松动; 散漫, 放纵; 泻肚 (名) | laxly 松懈地; 散漫地; 缓慢地 (副) | laxness 腹泻; 弛缓 (名)


laxity /徐缓/松弛/散慢/ | laxly /松懈地/缓慢地/ | laxtive /轻泻的/

nervily:神经过敏地; 强壮地; 大胆地 (副)

nerveless 无力的, 松懈的, 无力气的 (形) | nervily 神经过敏地; 强壮地; 大胆地 (副) | nerviness 肌肉发达; 厚颜; 有勇气 (名)

relaxedly:缓慢地; 宽心地; 松弛地 (副)

relaxed 松懈的; 随意的; 放松的; 悠闲的 (形) | relaxedly 缓慢地; 宽心地; 松弛地 (副) | relaxin 松弛激素 (名)