英语人>词典>汉英 : 杯状的 的英文翻译,例句
杯状的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
calathiform  ·  cotyloid  ·  craterlike  ·  cuppy  ·  cyathiform  ·  pezizoid  ·  poculiform  ·  scyphate  ·  vallate  ·  cupular

更多网络例句与杯状的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Epicalyx absent. Calyx campanulate or cup-shaped, 5-lobed, often 10-ribbed basally and plicate in bud.

副萼无;花萼钟状或杯状的, 5浅裂,通常10肋基生的和折扇状在芽中。

A two walled cuplike depression , formed by invagination of the optic vesicle , that develops into the pigmented and sensory layers of the retina Also called eyecup


G. spiral in Spirogyra, stellate in Zygnema, and cup-shaped in Chlamydomonas.

特别是在藻类的叶绿体差异更大,例如在水绵 Spirogyra 中是螺旋状的,在双星藻属 Zygnema 中是星状的,在衣藻 Chlamydomonas 中是杯状的

Style absent. Stigma sessile and radiate on cup-shaped stigmatic disc, lacking marginal appendages.


Stigma sessile, radiate on cup-shaped stigmatic disc rimmed by carpellary appendages.


Flowers usually bisexual, sometimes unisexual, actinomorphic, rarely zygomorphic; receptacle cyathiform or saucer-shaped.


Male flowers: perianth tube basally solid; stamens 20, connectives completely united to form a stalked cup; anthers inserted on outside at base of cup, surrounding column base; gynostemium rudimentary.

雄花: 基部的花被筒实心;雄蕊20,药隔完全形成一个柄杯的;花药着生于在杯状的基部外边的,围绕柱状的基部;合蕊柱不发育。

Hip A type of pseudocarpconsisting of a cup-shaped receptacle containing achenes, each of which bears small hooklike hairs.


Calyx with urceolate or cup-shaped free basal tube; sepals valvate, unequal.


Cup your hand slightly to form an air trap and force the sleeve down over the piston assembly with a rapid slap on the open end of the diaphragm with your cupped hand.


更多网络解释与杯状的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cup shaped:杯状的

cupping glass 吸奶杯,吸杯,拔罐 | cup shaped 杯状的 | curage 刮除术

calathiform:杯状的, 凹陷的

calathidiphorum | 头状花序柄 | calathiform | 杯状的, 凹陷的 | calathos | (古希腊、古埃及的)花瓶式果篮


cottrell 电收尘器 | cotyloid 杯状的,臼状的 | couch 床,长沙发椅


cotyledonous 有子叶的 | cotyloid 杯状的 | couch grass 茅草


cupping /杯吸法/拔火罐/ | cuppy /杯状的/凹的/满是小坑的/ | cuprein /铜蛋白/

cuppy:杯状的, 满是小坑的, 凹的

cupproduct | 上积筛上产品 | cuppy | 杯状的, 满是小坑的, 凹的 | cupraloy | 铜铬银合金

cyathiform:杯形的, 杯状的

cyasma | 妊娠斑 | cyathiform | 杯形的, 杯状的 | cyathin | 蛋巢菌素


cyanophyta 蓝藻门 | cyathiform 杯状的 | cyathium 杯状聚伞花序

patelliform:盘状的; 杯状的 (形)

patellar 膝盖骨的 (形) | patelliform 盘状的; 杯状的 (形) | paten 圣餐盘; 圆形平盘 (名)


cupular blind sac || 顶盲囊 | cupular || 杯状的 | cupulate disc || 壳斗状盘