英语人>词典>汉英 : 来自西北的 的英文翻译,例句
来自西北的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
northwest  ·  northwestern

更多网络例句与来自西北的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Subtanabad rugs come from the Arak region in northwest Iran and have a short pile.


Based on seismic records using SIG sparker from a joint Sino French study on marine geology of the East China Sea in 1996,the distribution area of submarine paleodeltas of the Yangtze River(and/or the Yellow River)during the early and middle time of the late Pleistocene is determined.


In conclusion,Eocene sedimentary section was deposited as a deltaic deposi tion flowed from the northwestern to northern terrigenous area into the northwestern of the Soth-Heuksan basin.


Kula is age 14, from somewhere Northern-west.


The paper is to research physiological differentiation and DNA polymorphism of MLP. The main result is as follows: 1.Investigating the Poplar Resistance: the difference of sensitivity is prominent.Other poplars are infected by Melampsora larici-populina in different degree, except that Populus deltoids and Populus deltoides×P.


A science teacher from Prine will Origin in the Pacific Northwest , is the new National Teacher of the Year.

来自太平洋的西北,奥勒冈州的 Prineville 的一位科学老师是年度新国际老师

The first one is dust tornado from the plateaus of northern west China.


During the festival, customers will be overwhelmed by strong American atmosphere in the stores and find traditional food alongside the American Food Street such as American Northwest cherry, California wine, US Poultry and Alaskan seafood.


During the festival, customers will be overwhelm ed by strong American atmosphere in the stores and find traditional food alongside the American Food Street such as American Northwest cherry, California wine, US Poultry and Alaskan seafood.


All I know is that it comes from the cooler, high altitude waters of the Northern Western Ghats.


更多网络解释与来自西北的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


台风艾尔西(Elsie)於民国50年的今天午夜到达恒春东南近海,后续沿海岸北移至高雄后向西北而去,期间造成东南部豪雨,有9人死亡. 民国89年的今天,受来自撒哈拉大沙漠热浪的影响,土耳其濒临马尔马拉海的亚洛瓦省和黑海沿岸的科贾埃利省,


来自美国伊利诺州西北大学 McCormick 工程与应用科学学院的 Gregory Ryskin 教授,将磁流体力学(magnetohydrodynamics)的方程式应用到我们海洋的咸水(那能导电)藉此挑战存在已久的常规,并发现在地球主要磁场中的长期变化(secular variation)可能是我们海洋的循环流动所致.

Northern Slope:北坡(美国阿拉斯加州北冰洋之间)

Northern 北爱尔兰 | Northern Slope 北坡(美国阿拉斯加州北冰洋之间) | northwestern a.在西北的,向西北的;来自西北的


northwardly /向北方的/来自北方的/向北方/ | northwards /向北的/朝北的/ | northwester /西北大风/

secular variation:长期变化

来自美国伊利诺州西北大学 McCormick 工程与应用科学学院的 Gregory Ryskin 教授,将磁流体力学(magnetohydrodynamics)的方程式应用到我们海洋的咸水(那能导电)藉此挑战存在已久的常规,并发现在地球主要磁场中的长期变化(secular variation)可能是我们海洋的循

seniority list:年资表

另外,一个仲裁小组周一盘后裁定,达美与西北航空公司的飞行员年资表(seniority list)将根据飞行员的级别和飞机的种类进行整合,但来自其中一方的飞行员在一定时期内不得飞行另一方的飞机.




determined 坚决的;有决心的 (3) | southeastern 东南方的;来自东南的 (2) | northwestern 西北方的;来自西北的 (2)