英语人>词典>汉英 : 条件事件 的英文翻译,例句
条件事件 的英文翻译、例句


conditional event
更多网络例句与条件事件相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Events,Operation and Relation of Sets, Classical Probability, Geometrical Probability , Statistical Stability of a Frequency, Axioms of Probability, Conditional Probability, Total Probability Theorem, Bayes' Rule,Independent Events,Independent Repeated Trials, One Dimensional Random Variables, Discrete Random Variables, Distribution Function of a Random Variables , Continuous Random Variables, Normal Distribution, Distribution of a Function of a Random Variable, Multidimensional Random Variables, Joint Distribution Function, Marginal Distribution Function,Discrete Two—Dimensional Random Variables,Continuous Two—Dimensional Random Variables, Independent Random Variables, Distribution of Functions of Random Variables,Expectation,Variance, Covariance, Coefficient of Correlation, Bivariate Normal Distribution, Law of Large Numbers, The Central Limit Theorems, Sample and Population ,Chi—Squared, T and F Distributions , Sampling Distributions , Point Estimation , Interval Estimation , Testing Hypotheses , A Test of Significance for Parameters in a Single Sample From a Normally Distributed Population , A Test of Significance for Parameters in Two Sample From Normally Distributed Populations .

本课程的主要内容:概率的概念与运算、随机变量及其分布、随机变量的数字特征与极限定理、数理统计的基本概念、估计和检验的基本方法,随机事件与概率随机事件、事件的关系与运算、几何概率、统计概率等,条件概率、全概率公式、贝叶斯公式、事件的独立性、二项概率公式,随机变量的概念、离散型随机变量、随机变量的分布函数、连续型随机变量、随机变量函数的分布,多维随机变量及其分布函数、边缘分布函数、随机变量的独立性、二维随机变量函数的分布,数学期望、方差、协方差和相关系数、大数定律、中心极限定理,总体与样本, X 2-分布、 t-分布和 F-分布,统计量及抽样分布,假设检验的基本概念、单个正态总体参数的显著性检验、两个正态总体参数的显著性检验。

Random sets ; Data fusion ; Fuzzy sets ; Conditional event algebra


The deep context of doctor candidate includes the nonlinear filter, conditional event algebra and random sets theory, which are the most advanced research schools of information fusion.


In order to make conditional inference,the expression of conditional events is discussed in this paper.


Methods: We have respectively done correlation analysis including auto-correlation and cross correlation analysis for 10 derivation electrodes' and 21 derivation electrodes' EEG data, and acquired each derivation's result of auto-correlation analysis and symmetrical left with right derivation's result of cross-correlation analysis at different condition and event.


Firstly a formal syntactic of UML statechart diagrams was given and a series of auxiliary functions to describe the structure features of UML statechart diagrams were presented in which target determinator and source restriction were used to describe the inter-level transitions and open events and close events were used to describe the communication among UML statechart diagrams.


The difference is found between DD and the master event technique, multiplet relative relocation as well as the hypocentroid decomposition, the condition that span between events is much less than the event-station distance is must be satisfied for latter but not for former when the velocity lateral heterogeneity is not so strong.


The typical methods include Weighted mean, Bayes estimation, Dempster-Shafer evidence, Decision statistics model theory, Condition event algebra theory, Dynamic Kalman filter, Fuzzy logic theory, Neural network theory and Artificial intelligence technology.


Should either of the parties of the contract be prevented from executing the contract by force majeure, such as earthquake, typhoon, flood, fire and war and other unforeseen events, and their happenings and consequences are unpreventable and unavoidable, the presented party shall notify the other party by a written notice without any delay, and within 15 days thereafter provide the detailed information of the events and a valid document for evidence issued by the relevant public notary organization for explaining the reason of its inability to execute or delay the execution of all or part of the contract.

该句子的英译文在表达原文内容上是没什么问题的,但是将句中的"解除合同"译成to terminate the contract有些不妥。因为,从法律意义上讲,to terminate the contract是指"终止合同",而"终止合同"的法律行为,必须在出现了终止合同的法律事件后才能实行。按照《中华人民共和国合同法》的规定,"终止合同"的法定情形有七种(见《中华人民共和国合同法》第91条)。该条款主要说明的是,由于不可抗力事件'致使合同无法履行,这种事由不属于终止合同的条件,而属解除合同的条件。

The interconnection of Condition/Event System model is lucubrated and generalized as Parallel InterConnection , and the interconnection conditions are given. PIC allows easy and intuitive handing of interconnected systems and does not have the strong restrictions of the previously defined cascade interconnection and feedback connection operator, and clears a modeling hindrance for practical usage of VHS.


更多网络解释与条件事件相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

certain event:必然事件

在条件S下,一定会发生的事件,叫做相对于条件S的必然事件(certain event)简称必然事件;在条件S下,一定不会发生的事件,叫做相对于条件S的不可能事件(impossible event)简称不可能事件;在条件S下可能发生也可能不发生的事件,

conditional event:条件性事件

conditional equation 条件方程 | conditional event 条件性事件 | conditional gradient method 条件梯度法

conditional gradient method:条件梯度法

conditional event 条件性事件 | conditional gradient method 条件梯度法 | conditional inequality 条件不等式


[事件响应..[条件响应](Conditional) 条件响应是通过对条件表达式进行判断而产生的响应类型,即当某一条件变量表达式的数值满足条件交互分支的要求时,程序便开始执行条件分支所在的内容.


第七章 学习和行为分析 条件作用(conditioning):事件与行为相互联系起来的方式. 每一种条件作用都代表着有机体获得和使用其环境结构信息的一种不同方式. 一、 学习研究 1、什么是学习 学习(learning)是基于经验而导致行为或行为潜能发生相对一致的变化的过程.

Impossible event:不可能事件

在条件S下,一定会发生的事件,叫做相对于条件S的必然事件(certain event)简称必然事件;在条件S下,一定不会发生的事件,叫做相对于条件S的不可能事件(impossible event)简称不可能事件;在条件S下可能发生也可能不发生的事件,

Impossible event:可能事件

新课讲解: 新课讲解: 在特定条件下,有些事情我们事先能肯定它一定不会发生,这样的 事情是不可能事件( impossible event ) 不可能事件 . ..... 例如,上述比赛中"冠军属于外国选手""明天太阳从西方升起" , 等都是不可能事件.

instrumental conditioning:工具性条件作用

操作性条件作用(operant conditioning)又叫工具性条件作用(instrumental conditioning). 它的关键之处是有机体(动物或人)做出一个特定的行为反应,这个行为反应导致环境发生某种变化,即发生了一个由有机体引起的事件. 这个事件对有机体可能是积极的,

on condition:引导的条件从句是主句中事件发生的前提条件或唯一条件

2.on condition that...只有在......条件下,... | 鷒n condition引导的条件从句是主句中事件发生的前提条件或唯一条件. | 鶬 can tell you the truth on condition that you promise to keep a secret.我可以告诉...

Quid pro quo:交换条件

"布什和卡尔扎伊在戴维营的峰会后是通过国家安全委员会发言人戈尔登.约翰德罗(Gordon Johndroe)出面表示:不会(同绑匪)有交换条件(quid pro quo). 两位解决韩国人质绑架事件的关键领导人甚至不愿亲口做出这样的声明,凸显了事件的高政治敏感度,