英语人>词典>汉英 : 束缚电荷 的英文翻译,例句
束缚电荷 的英文翻译、例句


bound charge
更多网络例句与束缚电荷相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Molecule is different with equal numbers of electric charge neutral multi-particle bound system.


It may be used to investigate the dynamics of bound or mobile charge in the bulk or interfacial regions of any kind of solid or liquid material.


Find the surface bound charge density on the two large surfaces of the slab, and the electric field in the slab.


In the space filled with dielectric, Coulomb's law should be: F = kQ1Q2r2.V in the electric field generated dielectric polarization bound charge and bound charge generated within the medium electric field, and external electric field in the opposite direction, so to diminish the external electric field.


Based on a spherical shell structure and the graded finite potential well model, shifts of bound states caused by the interface effects on the binding energy level of hydrogenic impurities in a weakly-confined spherical semiconductor quantum dot heterostructures are studied.


Comparative study of the properties of both ground and excited states of metal-free indoline dyes for dyesensitized solar cells revealed: as the number of rhodanine rings increases, the energy difference between HOMO and LUMO decreases and there is a red shift in the absorption spectrum with the binding energy increased, and the transition dipole moment decreased; Based on an analysis of cha...


Polyacence, polypyridinopyridine and paracyanogen molecules have been studied by using quantum chemistry MNDO, 1D tight-binding CNDO/2-CO methods.

采用MNDO、一维紧束缚CNDO/2 CO方法研究聚并苯、聚并吡啶及多聚氰的分子结构,揭示结构稳定性和电荷分布的变化规律。

The limited factors for increasing efficiency are:the bound-energy of exciton is high,the disffusion length of exciton is short,the mobility of carrier is low and charge collection efficiency near the interface of polymer/electrode is uneffective.


更多网络解释与束缚电荷相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


一般而言,掺杂物依照其带给被掺杂材料的电荷正负被区分为施体(donor)与受体(acceptor). 施体原子带来的价电子(valence electrons)大多会与被掺杂的材料原子产生共价键,进而被束缚. 而没有和被掺杂材料原子产生共价键的电子则会被施体原子微弱地束缚住,

bouncing motion:图象跳动

bounce 标志大小的跳动 | bouncing motion 图象跳动 | bound charge 束缚电荷

bound charge:束缚电荷

理想的电介质(Ideal Dielectric)内部没有自由电子,它的所有带电粒子受很强的内部约束力束缚着,因此称为束缚电荷(Bound Charge). 称之为焦耳定律(Joule's Law)的微分形式. 综上所述,恒定电场基本方程的积分形式和微分形式分别为电场是驱使电荷运动不可缺少的.

bound charge:束缚电荷=>拘束電荷

bound carbon dioxide 结合二氧化碳 | bound charge 束缚电荷=>拘束電荷 | bound component 界分量,界元素

charge, bound:束缚电荷

charge transfer 电荷转移 | charge, bound 束缚电荷 | charge, conservation of 电荷守恒

bounded above:有上限的,有上界的

bound charge 束缚电荷 | bounded above 有上限的,有上界的 | bounded beds 边缘床层

charge, conservation of:电荷守恒

charge, bound 束缚电荷 | charge, conservation of 电荷守恒 | charge, electric 电荷