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束支 的英文翻译、例句


bundle branch
更多网络例句与束支相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The smaller portion carried fibers exclusively to the orbicularis oris muscle, whereas the major portion supplied all three branches of the facial nerve.


As for studying ECG simulation, except for the simulation of the QRST waves of normal ECG and of complete left and right bundle branch block, we performed the simulation of upset of T wave and ST part of mornal ECG, which are unfound in other papers of ECG simulation study so far.


No Ⅲ° atrioventricular conduction block happened, 9 patients developed right bundle branch block, and 2 patients showed junctional rhythm. Two patients with perimembranous extending outlet were repaired because of residual shunt(0.4cm,0.3cm) on the anterosuperior rim of defect. One patient with trivial residual shunt(0.15cm) on the posteroinferior rim of defect was found closed spontaneously six months later. Tricuspid valve was incised in 10 patients of VSD sextending outlet,8 patients vertical to the valve ring,2 patients parallel to the valve ring. Moderate tricuspid valve regurgitation was found in 1 patient, mild in 5 patients, trivial in 4 patients. No one aggravated. One patient complicated with pericardial effusion.


ETHODS: The gastrocnemius bundle branch and soleus muscle bundle branch of the right achilles tendon were sutured after surface skin and subcutaneous tissue discission. The gastrocnemius bundle branch was transected at 2 cm above calcaneal bone insertion and a 2-cm silicone tube was applied to separate the site of suture using 5-0 modified Kessler method. The site of suture was treated with nothing in silicone tube as the blank control group. In other three groups, the site of suture was treated with 100, 50, 10 ng VEGF in silicone tube at the operation day and 7, 14, 21 days post-operation.

切开家兔右侧跟腱表面皮肤、皮下组织,钝性分离跟腱的腓肠肌束支和比目鱼肌束支,于跟骨止点上方约2 cm处横行切断跟腱腓肠肌束支,将2 cm长硅胶管套入一侧断端,5-0缝合线改良Kessler法缝合跟腱,缝合后将硅胶管覆盖跟腱缝合处,空白组硅胶管内不加药,其他3组于手术当日及术后第7,14,21天往硅胶管内加入血管内皮生长因子100,50,10 ng。

Finally, the weakest fields are those of the conducting system of the heart, called the Purkinje system, bundle of His, and bundle branches.


THe cell feature in upper and anterior AV node, His bundle and right branch is between Purkinje and myocardial cell. Typical P cells can not be seen.


Methods To observe synchronization in 7 left bundle branch block patients. 15 right bundle branch block patients and 21 normal subjects by tissue synchronization imaging and tissue tracking, 6 ventricular regional myocardia were assessed.


Results Fascicles and certain amount (207) of motor fibers from the anterior division of C7 were distributed to musculocutaneous nerve and median nerve, the orientation of these fibers were not clear. The ones (323) from posterior division were to the axillary, radial, and dorsal thoracic nerves, thus the orientation of these fascicles was relatively definite.

结果 大鼠C7神经根前股发出一定数量的运动纤维到肌皮神经、正中神经,总量约207根,但在C7前股定位不明确;后股发出相应的运动纤维束支到桡神经、腋神经与胸背神经,总量约323根,这些束支在C7后股的定位较明确。C7神经根所支配的范围很广,其中以C7后股发出的胸背神经束支支配的背阔肌占比例最大(运动纤维含量>50%)。

Results Among the ECG of old ophthalmic patients,right bundle branch block (25.8%)was the most common one,followed by sinus bradycardia(25.1%),supraventricular premature complexes(13.7%),sinus tachycardia (12.1%),ventricular premature compl exes(9.5%),sinus arrhythmia(7.9%) left bundle branch block(7.4%),AV block(5.9%), atrial fibrillation(5.4%).


Results Among the ECG of old ophthalmic patients,right bundle branch block (25.8%)was the most common one,followed by sinus bradycardia(25.1%),supraventricular premature complexes(13.7%),sinus tachycardia (12.1%),ventricular premature compl exes(9.5%),sinus arrhythmia(7.9%) left bundle branch block(7.4%),AV block(5.9%), atrial fibrillation(5.4%).


更多网络解释与束支相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bundle branch:束支

bulbus cordis 心球 | bundle branch 束支 | bundle branch block 束支传导阻滞

Bundle branch block:束支传导阻滞

bundle branch 束支 | bundle branch block 束支传导阻滞 | bundle branch block alternans 束支传导阻滞交替

Bundle branch block:束支阻滞

bundle branch 束支 | bundle branch block 束支阻滞 | bigeminy 二联律

right bundle branch:右束支

3.右束支(right bundle branch) 呈现单一圆索状,沿室间隔右侧心内膜深面下行,分支分布于右心室壁. 1.右冠状动脉(right coronary artery) 起于主动脉右窦,在右心耳与肺动脉干根之间入冠状沟,向右行绕过心右缘,至房室交点处分为后室间支和左室后支.

Right bundle branch block:右束支传导阻滞

Intraventricular block 室内传导阻滞 | Right bundle branch block 右束支传导阻滞 | Left bundle branch block 左束支传导阻滞

Right bundle branch block:右束支阻滞

29 Wenckebach phenomenon 文氏现象 | 30 Right bundle branch block 右束支阻滞 | 31 Left bundle branch block 左束支阻滞

Left bundle branch block:左束支传导阻滞

Right bundle branch block 右束支传导阻滞 | Left bundle branch block 左束支传导阻滞 | Left anterior fascicular block 左前分支传导阻滞

Left bundle branch block:左束支阻滞

30 Right bundle branch block 右束支阻滞 | 31 Left bundle branch block 左束支阻滞 | 32 Preexcitation syndrome 预激综合征

Left bundle branch block:左束支传导阻滞,左束支阻滞

left bundle branch ==> 左束支 | left bundle branch block ==> 左束支传导阻滞,左束支阻滞 | left cardiac bypass ==> 左心分流术

bundle branch block alternans:束支传导阻滞交替

bundle branch block 束支传导阻滞 | bundle branch block alternans 束支传导阻滞交替 | bundle branch reentrant ventricular tachycardia 束支折返型室性心动过速