英语人>词典>汉英 : 杜鹃科的 的英文翻译,例句
杜鹃科的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与杜鹃科的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Here,man shan bian ye growing spruce, Picea edulis, Qinling fir, Chinese pine, larch's wave, pine, cypress Parker, Quercus, Birch, Poplar and other trees and peonies,wu jiao feng , herbaceous peony, wild lilac, boxwood, coquelicot, Ma orchids, azaleas and other shrubs more than 700 kinds of Section 50, the distribution of the Ciwujia, Cordyceps sinensis, Coptis, Banxia, Fritillaria, Asarum, rhubarb, etc. more than 100 kinds of medicinal plants, soft Lin Morchella inlaid on the floor, wild mushrooms and other edible fungi.


Here,man shan bian ye growing spruce, Picea edulis, Qinling fir, Chinese pine, larch's wave, pine, cypress Parker, Quercus, Birch, Poplar and other trees and peonies,wu jiao feng , peony, wild lilac, boxwood, coquelicot, Ma orchids, azaleas and other shrubs more than 700 kinds of Section 50, the distribution of the Ciwujia, Cordyceps sinensis, Coptis, Banxia, Fritillaria, Asarum, rhubarb, etc.

这里,漫山遍野生长着云杉、紫果云杉、秦岭冷杉、油松、波氏落叶松、华山松、桧柏、栎类、桦木、白杨等乔木和牡丹、五角枫、芍药、野丁香,黄杨、虞美人、马兰花、杜鹃等灌木50余科700多种,分布着刺五加、冬虫夏草、黄连、半夏、贝母、细辛、大黄等 100 多种药用植物,松软的林地上镶嵌着羊肚菌、野蘑菇等食用菌。

51 Orchidaceous species discovered by way of investigation fall into 32 genuses with 41 sedentary plants, 7 adnascent plants and 3 saprophyte plants. Sedentary plants distribute in the communities are composed of panacea, fagaceae, rosaceae, ericaceae plants with life form geophytes.


I used to record most non-singing cuckoos as "unidentified", but looked very closely at cuckoos this spring in the hope of finding Indian Cuculus micropterus .


I spent more time on cuckoos last spring and found that Indian Cuckoo is, in fact, quite a regular migrant through Chi Gu.


更多网络解释与杜鹃科的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


中文文摘信息: 杜鹃(RHODODENDRON)隶属杜鹃科常绿或落叶灌木或小乔木,性向阳,喜温暖湿润亚热带气候,对土壤要求不严,适生性较强,易于引种广栽,全世界拥有900余种,其中2/3的种类原产于我国,广布于大江南北,


鹃形目(Cuculiformes)杜鹃科(Cuculidae)鸟类. 常指杜鹃亚科(Cuculinae)和地鹃亚科(Phaenicophaeinae)的约60种树栖种类. 杜鹃科分布于全球的温带和热带地区,在东半球热带种类尤多. 杜鹃栖息于植被稠密的地方,胆怯,常闻其声而不见其形.

Cuculus micropterus:四声杜鹃

原文: 大杜鹃(Cuculus canorus) 廖耿能原文: 四声杜鹃(Cuculus micropterus) 廖耿能杜鹃亚科12属50种之中,只有凤头鹃属(Clamator)的四种具有羽冠,而冠郭公又是四种之中色彩最亮丽的一种.


蓝莓(Blueberry)学名V accinium spp,又称为越桔、蓝浆果,属杜鹃科(Ericaceae)越桔属(V accinium L.)植物. 其果实风味独特,营养丰富,被誉为"浆果之王". 由于其突出的保健作用,消费量上升,具有广阔的市场前景,发展速度很快.


ericaceous 杜鹃科的 | ericeticolous 石南丛中的 | Erie 伊利人


ericaceous 杜鹃科的 | ericeticolous 石南丛中的 | Erie 伊利人


ericilignosa 欧石楠型木本群落 | ericoid 欧石楠叶形的 | ericoidtypemycorrhiza 杜鹃科型菌根


erica 石南科灌木 | ericaceous 杜鹃科的 | erinite 翠绿砷铜矿


rhodopsin 视紫质 | rhodora 杜鹃 | rhodospermous 红藻科的


rhodora 杜鹃 | rhodospermous 红藻科的 | rhombencephalon 后脑