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杉树 的英文翻译、例句


fir tree
更多网络例句与杉树相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But she felt it had been used. She turned down it adventurously, between the thick young fir s, which gave way soon to the old oak wood.


But she felt it had been used. She turned down it adventurously, between the thick young firs, which gave way soon to the old oak wood.


Day-to-day culinary life was even less appetising:"They make a sort of porridge or bread of the under bark of the spruce, fir and larch, which they cut in small pieces, mixing it with milk or dried fish."


It claims the world's only parasitic conifer and nearly two-thirds off the world's species of Araucaria trees, all of which are endemic.


Hundred-foot-tall (30-meter-tall) araucaria trees surrounding a waterfall reach for the stars in Chile's Copahue Provincial Park.


Photo Gallery: Land of the Living Wind Hundred-foot-tall (30-meter-tall) araucaria trees surrounding a waterfall reach for the stars in Chile's Copahue Provincial Park.

百英尺高( 30米高)南洋杉树属树木周围的一处瀑布延伸到星星,在智利的copahue省级公园。

Decorate the Altar with evergreens, holly and ivy, fir tree boughs, and possibly your Yule Log. Use Ale or Mulled wine and rich fruit cake (see Recipe below!) for your Cakes and Ale feast.


This can be more problematic than many may understand, and so the Cedar Tree Kingdom would like to explain.


The avenue of cedars leading from the main road to the house—that avenue of cedars without which no Georgia planter's home could be complete—had a cool dark shadiness that gave a brighter tinge, by contrast, to the green of the other trees.


Although the cedar that it did not take to decorating, there is no grass to accompany it, but it leaves, cedar tree is not worse than others.


更多网络解释与杉树相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


galvanic:原意为"电流的",在此形容快、急而猛的(跳、动) | paw:在此是动词,表"用爪子抓"、"捕捉" | deodar:它是喜马拉雅地区的一种杉树,被称为"神树"

Fir tree:杉树

public spaces: 公共场所 | fir tree: 杉树 | fake: 假的

Fir tree:冷杉树

圣诞树:Christmas tree | 冷杉树:fir tree | 圣诞卡:Christmas card

The Fir Tree:杉树

172、 The Finest Liar 大骗子 | 173、 The Fir Tree 杉树 | 174、 The Firm of Nucingen 纳辛杰商号


Fedora软毡帽 | Firtree杉树 | Brush刷子

General Sherman" in Sequoia National Park:谢尔曼将军--美国加州红杉国家公园中一棵最高,树龄最长的巨杉树

Wall Street in New York 华尔街--美国纽约市的一街道名... | "General Sherman" in Sequoia National Park 谢尔曼将军--美国加州红杉国家公园中一棵最高,树龄最长的巨杉树. | the two Houses of British government ...


firn 粒雪 | firry 杉树的 | first aid 急救


firnification /粒雪形成(过程)/ | firry /多枞树的/杉树的/ | first-aid /急救的/

firry:冷杉木制的; 杉树的; 多枞树的 (形)

firework 烟火; 才气焕发; 激烈争论 (名) | firry 冷杉木制的; 杉树的; 多枞树的 (形) | first aid 急救; 急救护理

Snow Falling on Cedars:落在香杉树的雪花

落在香杉树的雪花 (Snow Falling On Cedars)读后感购买落在香杉树的雪花 (Snow Falling On Cedars)之前,先看看专业评论吧!参与落在香杉树的雪花 (Snow Falling On Cedars)点评,您的经验和观点将帮助更多的人选购产品