英语人>词典>汉英 : 杀鼠药 的英文翻译,例句
杀鼠药 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
raticide  ·  ratsbane

更多网络例句与杀鼠药相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The recent progresses in the study on the fluorescence of rare earth complexes and application for the determination of the rare earth elements and organic compounds, as fluorescent probes for bioactive materials analysis and as detection means in separation technology were reviewed in detail. In chapter two, the absorption spectra of the 4f electron transitions of the complexes of the neodymium, praseodymium, holmium and erbium with fleroxacin in the presence of CPC have been studies by normal and derivative spectrophotometry.


更多网络解释与杀鼠药相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

anticoagulant rodenticides:抗凝血类杀鼠药

砍创 chop wound | 抗凝血类杀鼠药 anticoagulant rodenticides | 可变数目串联重复序列 variable number of tandem repeats, VNTR


antu 安妥杀鼠剂 | ANTU 杀鼠药 | Antwerp lace 安特卫普花边


antrum trocar 上颌窦刺穿针 | antu 安妥杀鼠剂 | ANTU 杀鼠药

Antwerp lace:安特卫普花边

ANTU 杀鼠药 | Antwerp lace 安特卫普花边 | anvil beak 铁砧嘴


rathskeller 啤酒间 | raticide 减鼠药 | raticideratsbane 杀鼠药

ratsbane:杀鼠药 (名)

rats 胡说; 瞎扯 (感叹) | ratsbane 杀鼠药 (名) | rattan 藤, 藤杖, 藤茎 (名)


rickets 佝偻病 | rodenticide 杀鼠药 | Rogor,dimethoate,Roxion 乐果