英语人>词典>汉英 : 杀球 的英文翻译,例句
杀球 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
smash  ·  smashes

更多网络例句与杀球相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For example, for smash or clear, should be changed forehand grip from this usual grip.


People talked learnedly about "holding" and "loosing,""steles,""reflexed bows,""56-pound bows,""backed" or "self-yew bows," as we talk about "rallies,""volleys,""smashes,""returns," and "16-ounce rackets."


The most popular Phoebe in tennis is called the overhand Phoebe.


Blue Jays right fielder Brad Wilkerson , who came on as a defensive replacement in the seventh , made what at the time appeared to be a game-saving catch to end the eighth.


Badminton requires significantly faster reaction times than either tennis or squash, although table tennis may require even faster reaction times.


Beltre failed to field Morgan Ensberg's leadoff grounder in the second, and second baseman Jose Lopez dropped a throw that would have completed a strike-out/throw-out double play later in the inning.


Roxanne:One guy was smashing the ball so hard I thought he was going to flatten it


Hill caught the ball and seemed to bounce off the tarp moving forward, his momentum helping him make a strong one-hop peg for the out.

Hill 接住球时似乎被帆布卷弹了回来,这个弹力帮了他藉力顺势投出强劲只弹跳一次的触杀球

And defensing smash, same, need right grip.


If a rally is temporarily stalemated by each side's playing well placed half court shots or long drives, the man should not attempt a cross-court drive until the shuttle can be met around shoulder height.


更多网络解释与杀球相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


a.高远球 ( clear )b.杀球 ( Smash )d.平球 ( Drive )e.网前吊球 即将落在网子附近的球,因下坠而缓缓地减低速度,此时挥拍把球挑高在网子的上缘,沿著球网落到对方场地.

double play:双杀球

保送 pass | 双杀球 double play | 三杀球 triple play


不过Cab30MS出色的控球能力弥补了这个缺点. 并且我觉得只要多用点手腕的力量,我可以用Cab30MS杀球的威力可以比原来用Ti10时多一倍. 拍评:抽球(drive)的表现不是很稳定,击球后有时候球会下网,有时候会出底线.

Ground strock:球落地弹起后再击球 最基本的打法(抽球)

Ground strock 球落地弹起后再击球 最基本的打法(抽球) | Vollry 截击 Smash 扣球 | Kill 杀球.使对方无力防守之球

Ground strock:球落地弹起后再击球 最基本[de]打法(抽球)

Ground strock 球落地弹起后再击球 最基本[de]打法(抽球) | Vollry 截击 Smash 扣球 | Kill 杀球.使对方无力防守之球

Cross Court Kill Shot:跨場式一步到位殺球

Kill Shot = 一步到位的杀球 | Cross Court Kill Shot = 跨场式一步到位杀球 | Lob = 吊高球到后场

triple play:三杀球

杀球 double play | 三杀球 triple play | 快速球 fireball

overhead wrist shot:点[短]杀

91.杀球;扣杀:smash | 92.点[短]杀:overhead wrist shot | 93.锋利扣杀:razor-sharp smash

GF- grounders to flies ratio:地滾球对高飞球之比率

G games 出賽次数 | GF grounders to flies ratio 地滾球对高飞球之比率 | GDP times ground into double play 击出双杀球的次数


网球是没有杀球这一名词的 这顶多是民间叫法 很不专业的 网球对打过程中 有平击(Stroke) 上旋(Topspin) 切削(Slice)等 此外还有放小球(Drop Shot) 还有高调球(lob) 最后是高压球(Smash) 你说的杀球就是高压吧?