英语人>词典>汉英 : 杀人地 的英文翻译,例句
杀人地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与杀人地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Is this a murderer really run amuck everywhere, but times of unbridled ground bloodguilty?


Dark, homicide is your exclusive outlet ";" this × ground organizes homicide " on the weekend... close paragraph time comes, post of similar advertisement of " of " homicide website is in land of land of baldachin of Internet upper berth emerge in large numbers, a few websites by the coronal with Zhengzhou of " of good place of homicide of " of lover of homicide of " of battalion of recruit of homicide of " of network of "21 century homicide,",","," commits murder Chongqing of "," commits murder " of tribe of homicide of Dalian of group of ",",", participate in " of action of its " homicide with providing agitative language to call together other netizen publicly extremely even.


Amony his films,he starred as a lot of personalities from city slicker to count,vagabond,banker,murderer and adventruer-these roles are branded on the menory of his audience.Poor people who were abandoned by society looked onward and sought bravely for happiness and took care of the others he was full of humor in those films.


Adam was all in tears, and to his guide Lamenting turnd full sad; O what are these, [ 675 ] Deaths Ministers, not Men, who thus deal Death Inhumanly to men, and multiply Ten thousandfould the sin of him who slew His Brother; for of whom such massacher Make they but of thir Brethren, men of men?


Accordingly, when faced with a corpse the police must, before classifying the case under this head, exclude the possibilities of negligent homicide, suicide, accidental death, and justifiable homicide (defined in the Reports as the killing of a felon by a police officer in line of duty or the killing of a hold-up man by a private citizen).


" Murder by a sophomore," Old Tick pronounced wrathfully. Gentlemen, we have learned nothing from these infantile crimes other than that science and stupidity go hand in hand.


Dark, homicide is your exclusive outlet ";" this × ground organizes homicide " on the weekend... close paragraph time comes, post of similar advertisement of " of " homicide website is in land of land of baldachin of Internet upper berth emerge in large numbers, a few websites by the coronal with Zhengzhou of " of good place of homicide of " of lover of homicide of " of battalion of recruit of homicide of " of network of "21 century homicide,",","," commits murder Chongqing of "," commits murder " of tribe of homicide of Dalian of group of ",",", participate in " of action of its " homicide with providing agitative language to call together other netizen publicly extremely even.


So all of you shall not pollute the land wherein all of you are: for blood it defiles the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it.

033 这样,你们就不污秽所住之地,因为血是污秽地的;若有在地上流人血的,非流那杀人者的血,那地就不得洁净

Since bloodshed desecrates the land , the land can have no atonement for the blood shed on it except through the blood of him who shed it .


But, as we often see, against some strom, a silence in the heavens, the rack stand still, the bold winds speechless and the orb below as hush as death, anon the dreadful thunder doth rend the region, so, after Pyrrhus' pause, aroused vengeance sets him new a-work; And never did the Cyclops' hammers fall on Mars's armour forged for proof eterne with less remorse than Ryrrhus' bleeding sword now falls on Priam.


更多网络解释与杀人地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


有些黑色的庞然大物在水面下绕圈圈转,所有观众都屏住呼吸,静静等著即将出现的惊人表演. 不久,一位身穿潜水衣的训练师划著印地安小皮船出现,他很快的就被这些巨大的杀人鲸包围住. A:催化剂(Activator)B:行为(Behavior)C:结果(Consequence)


withholdingitsauthority,忍住最爱吃嫩树皮 | wasthefriendshipofastar,aloof,假装大腕儿道义,逃避, | withnomoreintimacythanwascalledfor,杀人不过头点地高呼亲密,


rifle 步枪 | discreetly 谨慎地,小心地 | homicide 杀人,杀人者


随后,他便与同志电影结下不解之缘,陆陆续续地参与了多部同志影片的演出,如>(Grief)、>(Frisk)、>(Kiss Me,Guido)、>(Circuit)、>(David Searching)等等.

The Laramie Project:同志死亡事件/同志少年杀人事件

138我爱我要我愿意/我想我是的/I Think I Do | 139同志死亡事件/同志少年杀人事件/The Laramie Project | 425危险地生存/Dangerous Living


杨佳的行为,违背了人类社会"不伤及无辜"的基本准则,是兽性遮蔽(overshadow)了人性的一个悲惨实例. 为杨佳杀人拍手称道的人,倾向于笼统地将警察视作邪恶势力的代表,似乎一切对社会不公正现象的仇恨,都可以毫无保留地加诸于他们身上.

thick and fast:大量而急速地; 密集地

fire and sword (由指侵略者) 杀人放火 | thick and fast 大量而急速地; 密集地. | bits and pieces 零星杂物; 只言片语.


又猥琐的英雄? 法系:恶魔巫师lion出红杖,一晕一羊,能控能跑出了红杖的恶魔前期爆发能1000多; 遗忘法师(骨法),虚无,减速物免,多加44%的魔法伤害,出了红杖很恶心,逃跑杀人都好使. 地精修补匠(tinker)激光,导弹,一般前

I took the liberty of reinstating your license to kill:我冒昧地重新给你办了杀人许可证

Hope you don't mind.|希望你不要介意 | I took the liberty of reinstating your license to kill.|我冒昧地重新给你办了杀人许可证 | You're gonna need this.|你用得着


八脚怪 天蛛地灭(Spiders) 天蛛地灭2/狂莽蛛灾 突出虫围 小魔煞 冰冻蜘蛛 苍蝇 大白鲨 水深火热史前狂鲨 怒海狂鲨 水深火热之生化狂鲨 大白鲨之致命武器 鲨鱼来袭 变种鲨鱼人 深海异种 颤栗汪洋血海食人鲨 新大白鲨 杀人蜂 狂蜂暴 蜂魔 蚊子 异形魔怪 魔窟 黑暗侵袭雷克斯暴龙 蝗虫大军 蝗虫毁灭日 军刀牙 从地心拦截 惊爆