英语人>词典>汉英 : 本金 的英文翻译,例句
本金 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与本金相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The principal amount of each person is limited, so we have to do is to make good use of the maximum principal, the enemy when the rapid weak attack, scored the goal with minimal cost.


The Loan Summary details the Amount Borrowed, the Payment Frequency, the Term, Annual Interest Rate, Payment, Payment (Principal, Interest, Taxes and Insurance), Total Principal Paid, Total Interest Paid, Total Principal and Interest Paid, Total Taxes Paid, Total Insurance Paid, Total Taxes and Insurance, and Total Paid Over the Term (Principal, Interest, Taxes and Insurance).


The principal value of these bonds is stepped up with inflation, plus you receive interest based on this rising principal value.


Closed form solutions for a variety of equity swaps with constant or variable notional principal in the stochastic volatility and stochastic interest rate model are derived from the forward-neutral pricing model.


Again after it partially or fully repatriates its principals, it should re-apply for investment quota.


Inwards again after it partially or fully repatriates its principals, it should re-apply for investment quota.


Reporting to SAFE about foreign exchange remittance and repatriation of QFII, in two working days after QFII remits/repatriates its principal/proceeds


If QFII intends to remit principals inwards again after it partially or fully repatriates its principals, it should re-apply for investment quota.


The funds kept there.4. Reporting to SAFE about foreign exchange remittance and repatriation of QFII, in two working days after QFII remits/repatriates its principal/proceeds


The payoffs of games depend on parity of starting capital. Only when p2 is equal to p3, both of them are less than 0.5, payoffs of games do not depend on starting capital. Furthermore, when p3=0.5 playing game A and B in alternating order must be a losing game. What is more, the condition of parity of starting capital in computer simulation corresponds to minimum and maximum stationary distribution probability of theoretical analysis respectively in its feasible region.


更多网络解释与本金相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

principal beneficiary:本金受益人

income beneficiary--收益受益人 | principal beneficiary--本金受益人 | fidei commissum--拉丁文直译为"信任受托",意译为罗马法中的"遗产信托"

debenture capital:债券本金

debenture n.债券;海关退税证明书 | debenture capital 债券本金 | debenture issue 债券发行

capital sum:本金总额, 最高赔偿额

encoding strategy 编码方案 | capital sum 本金总额, 最高赔偿额 | basic technical data 主要技术资料

capitalized interest:化作本金的利息

capitalization 资本化;资本总额 | capitalization of interest 利息化作本金 | capitalized interest 化作本金的利息

capitalized interest:本金化的利息

capitalized expenses;本金化的费用;; | capitalized interest;本金化的利息;; | capitalized lease;本金化的租赁;;

capitalization of interest:利息化作本金

capitalization 资本化;资本总额 | capitalization of interest 利息化作本金 | capitalized interest 化作本金的利息

capitalization of interest:利息变为本金;利息本金化

*capital subscription 认缴股本 | *capitalization of interest 利息变为本金;利息本金化 | *case work 社会福利工作

principal value:本金值

Primary Movement 大趋势 | Principal value 本金值 | principal 本金来源:考试大

capitalizable costs:可资本化成本;可本金化成本

capital turnover;资本周转率;; | capitalizable costs;可资本化成本;可本金化成本;; | capitalization;资本总额;本金化;;

Loan principal repayments:贷款本金偿还

loan principal 贷款本金 | loan principal repayments 贷款本金偿还 | loan review 贷款审查