英语人>词典>汉英 : 本能倾向 的英文翻译,例句
本能倾向 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与本能倾向相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The arguments, the discussions were the great thing: the love-making and connexion were only a sort of primitive reversion and a bit of an anti-climax. One was less in love with the boy afterwards, and a little inclined to hate him, as if he had trespassed on one's privacy and inner freedom.


It is well known that we have been using the classical and typical artworks that are already popular with people to enhance kids'morality, merits and percipient of beauty.

在这个背景下,我们基础美术学科教育遇到了新的难题:在以往的美术教学中,欣赏评述内容更倾向于对传统艺术形式和经典作品的理解和欣赏,而且大多是以经过历史筛选、久为人们所熟知的、正面积极的作品来感染学生、提高他们的审美能力和对艺术的感知力,而目前这些尚处在蓬勃发展中的艺术形式对于广大中小学学生来说是令人迷惑而高深莫测的,他们很容易象接受书本知识和教师讲解一样去接受一切在艺术杂志、展览馆、画廊中所看到的充满刺激的新艺术作品,而这种反应大多是本能的、不带批评性的,与他们对摇滚乐和青年文化等方面的反应类似(《艺术批评与艺术教育》ArtCritics and Art Education沃尔夫吉伊根著)。

The former is a stretch and maintenance of the individual to survive and race-related in the broadest sense of the sexual instinct, it is the creativity of human beings as the basis for the existence of life; the latter is a tendency to return to inorganic state, damage and destruction of often engendered impulses, self-flagellation or attack the impulse.


The fear of stuttering tends to inhibit the stutterer's impulse or desire to speak.


The fear of stuttering tends to inhibit the stutterer s impulse or desire to speak .


Most warlocks tend to trust their succubus's natural instincts in combat.


The analysis of adults, as well as of children, has familiarized us with the fact that the pregenital instinctual impulses carry with them a sense of guilt, and it was thought at first that the feelings of guilt were of subsequent growth, displaced back on to these tendencies, though not originally associated with them.


But they were merely imitations or the promptings of a natural instinct, it only goes to show, in the first place, that monastic seclusion is not unnatural to man; and secondly, that some Divinely constituted authority is new to guide this natural propensity and to prevent it from falling into those extravagances to which religious enthusiasm is prone.

但他们只是模仿,或promptings的一种自然的本能,只是正好说明,摆在首位,寺院的隐居是不自然的人类;第二,有些神构成管理局是一个新的引导,这自然倾向,并防止它落入那些extravagances ,以宗教的热情很容易。

But they were merely imitations or the promptings of a natural instinct, it only goes to show, in the first place, that monastic seclusion is not unnatural to man; and secondly, that some Divinely constituted authority is new to guide this natural propensity and to prevent it from falling into those extravagances to which religious enthusiasm is prone.


She stressed that only orangutans who show a natural interest and aptitude will take part.


更多网络解释与本能倾向相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在这样的时候,"攻击"(aggression)的心理防御机制就会自动运作. 这种近乎"本能"式的心理反应因其非理性而倾向于将威胁对象看成一个本身只是由威胁内容构成的实体,并倾向于对它作出否定的价值判断. 接下来会发生什么我们当然不难想像了.

appetency:渴望, 本能, 欲望

appetence | 本能, 倾向 | appetency | 渴望, 本能, 欲望 | appetent | 热望的, 意欲的, 本能欲求的



death instinct:死本能

弗洛依德在>一书中补充他的"死本能"(death instinct)时说"侵犯的倾向是人天生的、独立的本能倾向". 朱元璋青少年时代的生命冲动几乎全部被苦难压抑了,在义军战火中(杀人也好,吃人也罢)得到一些宣泄. 称帝后,

instinctive behavior:本能行为

像鸭子与老鼠的此类行为就称为本能行为(instinctive behavior),或称天生行为(innate behavior). 心理学家们对本能行为的看法是,本能行为是纯属遗传因素所决定的行为倾向. 称得上是本能行为者,必须符合两个条件:其一,它是不学而能的;其二,

appertaining:属于, 附属物

appertain || 属于 | appertaining || 属于, 附属物 | appetence || 本能, 倾向


自恋可以被重新解释为:在童年自体的心理结构的获得性缺陷以及随之而来的继发性防御与代偿性结构的建立. 成功的治疗必须包括,通过获得新的结构治愈"赤字"(deficits). 如果内驱力体验和本能是有问题的,当得不到支持的时候,它们便倾向于出现自体分裂(disintegrate)

Les Bonnes Femmes:美女们

戈达尔的<<断了气>>的背叛女性,还有他1968年前把所有女性当妓女的看法,以及夏布罗尔在<<美女们>>(Les Bonnes Femmes)中指出有性本能活跃倾向的女性等于在吸引男性犯罪、强暴,都使他们成为被攻讦的对象.

life instinct:生存本能

晚年,弗洛伊德又把"本我"修正为两类,即"生存本能"(life instinct)和"死亡本能"(death instinct或Thanatos). 前者是同维持个体生存及绵延种族有关的最广义的性本能,它是人类作为生命存在的创造力的基础. 后者是一种回归无机状态的倾向,

death instinct:死本能

弗洛依德在<<文明及其不满>>一书中补充他的"死本能"(death instinct)时说"侵犯的倾向是人天生的、独立的本能倾向". 朱元璋青少年时代的生命冲动几乎全部被苦难压抑了,在义军战火中(杀人也好,吃人也罢)得到一些宣泄. 称帝后,